"All this I will give you," he said, if you will bow down and worship me." Matthew 4:9
Sounds like a fair enough promise, if it weren't for the disturbing fact that this offer comes from Satan. We do love the thought. Imagine... "all this." What could that be?
First of all, let's make something perfectly clear. Satan has nothing to give because everything belongs to God. What the devil gives me... is a headache. Always making deals and exceptions. Always twisting the truth and only offering pieces of possibility. Lucifer said this to Jesus during the temptation. Actually took Him up to a high place and offered Jesus all that He could see. The devil must not understand or accept the way things are. The way things really are. Not how they appear or how we might like them to be either.
Jesus responds to the devil by saying in verse 10; "Away from me, Satan!" For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.' Then the devil left Him, and angels came and attended Him. Wow! Gotta love it when Jesus straightens somebody out. Especially a low-life like lucifer. Jesus makes promises He can keep. Knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you shall find. Ask in My Name and you shall receive.
The next time you get offered a promise you might want to ask who it is coming from. Jesus delivers. We need only seek His heart and His will. I hope today that you will seek Him and see what He would like to give you. Just ask what He wants to give you. You won't be disappointed. He knows what you really need. He deserves our worship.
Praise His Name! Pastor Fred