"Now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders." Act 3:17
Peter does not struggle with being frank. As a matter of fact, he often has been represented as being too brash and we know of several times in the Bible where he spoke before he thought carefully about what he was saying. But, that doesn’t mean that what he says every time should be seen as brash, when all he is being is frank and to the point. It is o.k. to say to someone is in error, when they are. We should, of course, be kind with our honesty, and careful with how and when, and where we share it. When Peter addresses those who don’t believe he says, “Now, brothers”. This is a warm and engaging introduction to what he says next. He is referring to people who rejected Christ, or called for His crucifixion, or supported leaders who did so. Ignorance is no excuse as the saying goes, but it does soften the conversation enough to allow someone to say they didn’t know, to which we can respond, “now that you do know…..!” I think suggesting that someone was ignorant or didn’t know, isn’t like saying they are dumb or stupid. It says simply that had you known Jesus was who He said He was, you would have acted or responded differently. Besides, leaders you trusted and believed passed their ignorance on to you. Peter is adept at putting it bluntly or as a matter of fact, without alienating anyone from the get go. And….if people feel they weren’t ignorant, they can say they just decide to reject Christ. We tend to not get to the point. Either you believe or you don’t. If you are ignorant, get informed, if you actually know what you don’t accept, then understand the consequences of that choice, whether you believe it or not. What could we say to people who reject Christ? We should accept their rejection and remind them the offer is always available. Most often, we deal with those who are weak or misled or faltering in their faith, which need to be informed more, so they can’t claim ignorance.
Jesus loves you. Accept or reject that, but you can’t be ignorant anymore. When you share with others, cut them enough slack to be able to plant seeds in them for future watering. But, do make a point so ignorance will never be our excuse.