Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Boundary of Me by Heather Gent

    Part of what I love so much about writing is the eraser.  Before I ever produce something for publication, I get at least a hundred do overs.  I need those.  You wouldn't think I would have to erase or backspace anything in the meager lines you now read, but backspace I have indeed.  I would love to say that writing comes easily to me, but the truth is it doesn't.  Like most things in my life, I have to work really hard to produce anything of substance and to be honest, I'm not always sure what I write is "of substance." I try though and I hope it is, if not for all, then at least for some. In either case, I thank God for the eraser and backspace button.  It's like they were made just for me and I love them. Especially today.  As I type now, I sit in a hotel room in Vienna marveling over my current place in time and space.  I find myself torn between a bleeding desire to return home and a painful and curious determination to remain.  What will come of it all, I don't yet know.  I simply pray for the wisdom to recognize God's leading as it comes. And it  does come. Every fiber of my being knows He is directing my path, and so often it seems to be facing the opposite direction of where my feet aim to walk.  Sometimes run.  Have you ever walked backwards on a treadmill?  It's an odd feeling until you get used to the movement, and for me, being in Vienna has been a backwards walk on a treadmill that moves only forward.  To ease the feeling of inconsistency and incompatibility, I reach to turn it off, but the switch is just out of reach and I must continue.  My feet are somehow clumsily moving forward but facing what's behind, and I sense that in a way I'm stuck between two worlds. I have one foot out and one foot in, but into what?  I wonder still, but it seems the boundary is of me...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Proverbs for Those in Business (Part 4)

These just more than 30 Proverbs about business are excellent stewardship advice. They are full of direction, warning, encouragement, and sound counsel. I have met a few stellar people who were wonderful stewards. One of these reminds me of them. They shared a lot with me and Grace Harbor.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Proverbs for Those in Business (Part 3)

Proverbs have more than one lesson. Wisdom leads to more wisdom. What do these say to you beyond what they first said to me?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Proverbs for Those in Business (Part 2)

My mother’s father was a farmer in Kentucky.  His name was Angus Beechum Floyd.  
An honorable, hard working man.  He wore overalls, got up at 4:30 every morning to work with his animals and his crops.  Those who do this kind of work have special wisdom.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Proverbs for Those in Business (Part 1)

Florence Brownfield’s compilation of Proverbs according to their intended audiences is entitled simply, “The Words of Solomon”, and now turns to a section entitled, “ Advice to those in Business.”  These Proverbs have to do with work, enterprise, and ethics.  Topics for all of us.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Future Hope

As we continue to celebrate our Nation’s Birthday; Independence Day, let us reflect on why the USA was founded. Our fore-fathers sought freedom of religion and the right to have separation of church and state; in order that the government should not interfere with the Church. That right along with freedom of speech was established in Congress, July 4, 1776 declared in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Among the liberties afforded in these rights are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Our founding fathers clearly provided for the right to proclaim the Gospel, the good news of the written word of the God in the Holy Bible. In these days we can still maintain this right, though we face much opposition at times. I believe that God is doing a new work in us today. He is revitalizing the Church, making us string to overcome adversity.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 12)

This wraps up the section of Proverbs for Everyone. As generic as they are, they are sure pointed. I hope I, we, get the points and don’t generalize them away. I take His Word personally. Join me in applying “Proverbs for Everyone” as if they were written to me and you by name.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 11)

Only seven today, but it is plenty. The theme for me today is about acting right, sometimes called professionalism or class. My father often said to act right even if you don’t want to, don’t feel like it or have a right not to. He was right.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 10)

For some reason today I am applying all this wisdom to stewardship. We certainly should be wise stewards with our financial resources.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 9)

We need not understand proverbs to know they are wise. With some of these today, think twice or three times before you blow by them, there is truth in all of them, search for it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 8)

Everyday we make many decisions about what we say and do. I think it is tremendously helpful to add some wisdom to that process. A decision you will make is related somehow to one of these proverbs. Consider them carefully; they will guide you in your choices.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 7)

A great study tool is to restate His Word in opposites. For example, “Do not lie” becomes “Tell the truth.” Let’s do it with this list for practice.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 6)

This list of 10 range from the subtle and sublime to the mysterious and meaty. Proverbs cause us both to reflect and flinch. Solomon’s God given wisdom is a treasure trove of golden advice. When put in short, concise bullet points we are easy targets for conviction.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 5)

How in the world can we possibly remember all this wise counsel? We seem to learn the hard way. In order to not get stuck, we must constantly be willing to relent and to change; to be transformed, to surrender, to seek Him wholeheartedly.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 4)

I know many believers who tell me they read Proverbs regularly or often and many others who know they should. God’s plan was for Solomon to be used to write them. We suffer too much from wrongheadedness today. Wisdom is the cure. But we must swallow it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 3)

I am amazed as I share these how often I am reminded of specific experiences where they apply. The book “The Wisdom of Solomon” edited by Florence Brownfield is a useful tool for helping us consider Solomon’s counsel from, so glad he asked for wisdom.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 2)

The repetition of advice to different audiences should not be confusing. Solomon specifically advises an audience and generally advises everyone with the same wisdom. God knows why.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Lord's Eyes Are Open and His Ears Are Attentive To Our Prayers

Good morning everyone. Our Friday devotion comes to us from Council Member, Charlotte Adams.

I've given a lot of thought to sharing the following Scripture  verse, as it comes to me each year as we display it in July every year on the Poster Board in our office.  It's from 2Chronicles 7:14, and I'm sure that you all know it as well. 

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Proverbs for Everyone (Part 1)

Solomon not only addresses specific audiences with his proverbial wisdom, he also speaks to everyone. That is true even when addresses a specific group, because wisdom is general truth and all scripture is good for teaching sound doctrine. But the next twelve devotionals will share the proverbs that are for everyone by design. Hope many apply to you as needed. I have added the number of times it is shared after the initial reference.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Proverbs for Neighbors (Part 3)

The last seven words of wisdom for neighbors packs a few wallops about our lack of neighborly closeness and sensitivity. Hope these devotionals are ringing your bell like they do mine.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Proverbs for Neighbors (Part Two)

Solomon, though he was king, often was reminded that he was a regular guy. For being so wise, he sure knew how to keep it simple. His counsel is a wonderful reminder of how we should conduct ourselves at every stage and in every arena of life. Here is some more neighborly wisdom.