When I conducted the 9-week Fruits of the Spirit study for Women's Bible Study last year, the one “fruit” that has constantly tugged at me is the “fruit of KINDNESS”. I wonder why that is so, and yet I think I already know, and you likely do as well. Could it be because it seems like there is such a shortage of kindness in this “reality show” mentality gripping our culture right now. Is there anyone out there that would disagree that there is a crying need today for people to “just be kind”, or more kind, than many of us are being in our everyday encounters. One author summed it up best, stating that we are experiencing a “kindness famine.”
Why is it so difficult to be kind? It's a gift you can give to anyone that doesn't cost a penny. Can it be that we think some people are deserving of kindness and others are not? That certainly can't be the case because we are all God's children and everyone deserves to be treated kindly, just as God imparts his loving-kindness on each of us daily. This isn't a new concept, as I am sure most of us heard statements like the following ones as we were growing up - “Treat others as you want to be treated”, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “If you want to have a friend, be a friend”. The goal therefore for each of us, especially those of us who are called CHRISTians, should be to be as kind to others as Jesus Christ in his love and mercy has been to us.
He gave His followers the perfect recipe, and it's a verse we all know and hear a lot as the Love month (February) is approaching. 1 Corinthians 13 – Love says ... Love is patient, Love is KIND... It goes on with these ingredients: don't envy, don't boast, don't be proud, don't be rude, don't be self-seeking, don't anger easily, don't keep records of wrongs, don't delight in evil. It's easy to see that “if” we are doing any of these “don't” things, (and we all do), then it's no wonder that kindness might not be the ruling factor in our lives. It stands to reason that if we are unkind, we are unloving. I know that I want to be loving, and so that means I must be kind (to everyone). How about you? Just think of what would happen inside our churches across the nation as we CHRISTians cared in kindness for each other. Instead of “shooting our wounded and hurting”, as we are sometimes known to do, what if we tried a little (a lot) of loving-kindness? Just some “food” for thought, since this devotional was about “fruit”.
Wishing all of you a very blessed weekend. As always, if you do not have a Church home, Grace Harbor Church invites and welcomes you to join us at 9:00 a.m. For Sunday School (currently engaged in the study of the Book of Revelation) and 10:00 a.m. for worship, praise, and fellowship with fellow Brothers and Sisters In Christ.
In His Love,
Charlotte Adams