Wednesday, December 12, 2012

If His People Listen

"If my people but would listen to me..." Psalm 81:13a

In one form or another, God sure says this a lot in His Word. The implications are many. This is one of those phrases that best can be illustrated word by word. Let me reflect a little on each word to give us some direction for devotional consideration today.

IF...... this means of course that it could or could not necessarily happen. Depends on us. We get to choose whether or not we experience the promises that invariably follow God's ifs.

MY..... only those who are His get to consider this. If God uses the word my to describe me that means that I belong to Him. I am blessed thinking in those terms.

PEOPLE.... not leaders, priests, prophets or the most obedient ones only or those who are well off or doing well or who have lots of their act together. Just people, anybody, and everybody who is willing to be His.

BUT… this word always reminds me of my excuses. But, But, But. We always have a question, an exception, a special situation or condition, some "reason" to say but.

WOULD….. not just should or could but actually would. I know I should and I know I could, but would I? Would is where the commitment is implied and is about obedience

LISTEN….. quietly, focused on Him without rolling our eyes or being distracted or trying to multitask. Listen with the goal being to hear, really hear what God is saying to us

TO…….. this word simply directs the attention toward who we His people are supposed to be listening to

ME.... obviously the me here is not you or me, it is Him. Isn't it interesting that when we hear the word me we automatically think of ourselves. We are so often the "first person" in our considerations, instead of Him

When you slow it down a little it makes you think about just how often in the Bible we are asked to listen or hear. Probably, because we tend not to very often. Listening seems to be an acquired ability. Oh, we want the results or blessings or bottom line benefits, but not necessarily do we always want to hear what God is saying.

I wonder what God could do if we really listened. What would happen IF..... HIS PEOPLE.... WITHOUT BUTS... WOULD LISTEN... TO HIM.

When I do it makes a huge difference in my life, for the better. Hope this touches your heart with a sense of how much God is trying to reach us and that we have the opportunity to experience so much more.

IF we would. May you be enveloped in His will and grace today. His, Pastor Fred

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