Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Telling His Story

"What we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us, we will not hide it from their children, we will tell the next generation." Psalm 78:3-4a

Who do you think is going to tell the next generation? 'Who' is the 'we' that Asaph is referring to in this long Psalm? Is he saying that the priests (or the pastors) are going to carry the primary responsibility to tell the story of God's unmerited grace? Well, as best I can tell, people are not exactly flocking to churches very regularly to hear the truth, no matter how it is presented. How about small groups? Aren't we all supposed to be in one? I don't hear of loads of people coming to Christ in all the small groups that are being formed every day. How about Christian TV or radio? I haven't heard of any mass conversions, at least not in the U.S., and what is being aired isn't exactly the burning conversation topic out there of cutting edge transformation experiences. Maybe the internet is the answer. Lord knows we are all trying to stay up with the latest technology for spreading the gospel, but I don't hear of overwhelming results there either. Hey.... maybe some big church will come up with a program that we can all copy that will turn the corner on the next revival. Probably not, to tell you the truth.

The 'we' is 'us' and what we have heard and known must be shared one on one, generation to generation. Such as, fathers and mothers telling their children the story, friends sharing salvation with their friends. By the way, the story is not a fairytale or a carefully edited success story. It is just the plain and simple truth. We must talk about Jesus and who He is, including the truth about our failures and troubles, the warts and disappointments and all. We must talk about God's plan, His grace, the consequences, redemption, restoration and the hope of the future that is played out in our real lives over and over and over again. This is the good-news that people need to hear. You know the story, the story of life and death and salvation and desperation, rebellion and turning back to God, full of ups and downs and God's love and guidelines.

Our corporate and individual stories, though somewhat different, are actually quite similar. God has a plan, right? We don't follow it, we rebel, we screw up, we suffer, we cry out, He hears us, we eventually repent, we are forgiven, we are grateful, we start over again (and again, too often, regrettably). We have some longer and shorter periods of blessing and our rebellion begins again, and He keeps His promises. What a story!! The truth brings hope and healing, yet we are too often silent or slow to share. Why? We try to hide our scars and try to portray ourselves as better than we really are. The people of God, moms, dads, and friends too, must share their story. Share our story, His story, The truth, the Light, the Way, the hope and the glory in spite of our mistakes, misdeeds and misappropriation of His grace.

Please know that nobody can do your part for you. Pastors can't, small group leaders can't, TV or radio or media just can't and no big ministry is going to come along and take care of your individual responsibility. You see, nothing replaces the simple telling of the story of grace one human being to another. You must do your part. Tell your children, your friends, your neighbors. Everyone, from generation to generation. If the story skips a generation the results would be catastrophic. I too must tell the story, not just as a Pastor, but as a Dad, an uncle, a papa, a brother, a son and a friend. The story of how God loved me so much that He sent His Son to save me from my sin, by paying the price for it on the cross for me, making a way for me to make peace with God. Forgiveness and salvation, grace and truth, service and commitment. That is my story, His story, your story. Tell it. Doesn't have to be pretty or perfect, just the truth. Begin today or continue today with greater urgency the telling of the Good-news from your perspective. It is essentially why we are here. It is definitely why I am here. Don't be silent or shy. Do not hide the truth or neglect your responsibility to share it. Share the joy of your salvation today. With His love and by His grace, Pastor Fred

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