Monday, March 21, 2016

Rest is a requirement, not an option

"On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much—two omers for each person—and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses. He said to them, “This is what the Lord commanded: ‘Tomorrow is to be a day of Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.’” Exodus 16:22-23

I encourage you to read Exodus 16, it’s a great chapter but here is just a little nugget the Lord showed me. God chose to provide a fresh supply of manna on the ground every morning for His children as they wandered the wilderness. They were told to collect exactly what they needed for that day and on the sixth day, to collect enough for the seventh day as well, which was to be a Sabbath rest.

If they collected two days worth of manna on any other day, it rotted by the next morning, but not on the seventh day. How amazing is that?!? God believes in the importance of a Sabbath day of rest so much that He provides a way for it to be possible, even when we don’t think it is, and it is our job to be obedient to that commandment because it is for our good, as are all of our Father’s commands.

Resting in Him,
Suzanne Teuben

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