Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just Don’t!

"Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." Acts 10:15

Voice from heaven talking to Peter again. There is a Word of God, mandate, end of discussion principle in these words that is so applicable to today. In general, when God gives explicit instructions, they are to be followed explicitly. Let me give you a little context to consider why Peter takes this so seriously. Basically the story goes like this. The vision Peter sees is of a giant sheet being lowered by the four corners and it is full of all types of animals. He is told in the vision to 'kill and eat'. He responds by saying that there are some animals in there that for him as a Jew, he can't eat.

The voice from heaven then says to him in verse 15; "Do not call anything impure that god has made clean." Let's get to the deeper meaning fast. When Jesus died on the cross, His sacrifice makes anything and everything clean. This not only includes the abolishing of the dietary restraints of the Old Testament Law, it also includes groups of people. For example, Peter feels he should not eat in the house of non-Jews. This is part of the Law that the sacrifice of the perfect lamb (Jesus) atones for. Peter is on his way to the house of Cornelius where he is to stay and instruct this centurion/new believer in the truth of the Way. Peter's learning curve about what grace really means must literally be on fire. Things are changing so fast for the early believers. But he knows it is from God and that the old ways won't be the new ways. What Jesus accomplished on the cross changes everything for everybody. So everyone is welcome in God's family. This is another Biblical reason why racism is absolutely intolerable for Christians. If God has said he created everyone equal and paid for their sins equally on the cross, we can't categorize people and judge or reject them. Or, even dislike them.

Grace Harbor Church is such a living example of everybody being welcome and accepted. We are an amazing representation of a microcosm of the world. All ages, all types, all social stratus, all ethnicities, cultures, races and people groups. It really is remarkable how diverse we are. That is a good thing. That is a God thing. That glorifies God. We cannot and will not call anything impure that God has made clean. I am so grateful to be part of such a wonderful church. Of course we have our shortcomings, but we indeed are a family of God. God has no part of discrimination, racism, class-ism or exclusivism. He died once for ALL, to redeem each one, regardless of whatever. Peter has learned a lesson that we all should learn. God does not desire for us to discriminate against anyone. I hope that spills over into our lives and what we teach our children.

In His Family,
Pastor Fred

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