Monday, December 9, 2013

Give a Gift

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

We are in the season of Advent, preparing to celebrate the birth of our Savior. At this time of gift giving, good tidings and cheer, we, as Christians, are again reminded that the birth of Jesus Christ was the ultimate gift of God to a sinful and detached people. He was and is a gift of unconditional love, grace and mercy to the entire world. Indeed, Christ’s ministry had at its core this very message.

During this time of year, I always reflect not only on God’s Gift of Love, but also on how our culture seems to be in a progressive decline, moving away from that love. Rather than love, rudeness seems to be the order of the day. If you want to conduct a market survey to test this thought, just hit Costco at the District on a Sunday afternoon; or see how some men treat their wives or girlfriends with unbelievable disrespect; or observe how some women publicly criticize or even berate their husbands or boyfriends (not that doing so in private is acceptable either). Please notice I said “some,” not “all.” But, even without a statistical analysis or study, the degree of rudeness and selfishness in our society just feels like it is growing. The number of people in the “some” category seems to be increasing.

While those of us who call Grace Harbor our home are not perfect and never will be, the degree of genuine, Christian love among church members and from church members to beyond the church walls is exceptional. In that sense, we are counter-cultural. While the hippies of the 60’s were considered to be counter-cultural, ponder the thought that, approximately 50 years later, those who claim to be genuine Christians, or Christ Ones, have assumed that counter-cultural role. So, never has our challenge and, yes, obligation to spread the love of Christ been so great.

As we prepare for Christmas, let’s also prepare to give the gift of that love to others, with friends we know and with strangers that God brings across our paths. I am not talking about sidewalk “evangelism” aka intimidation. I am not talking about door-to-door “witnessing.” But there are folks whom we already know in our neighborhoods and communities who do not have a church home and who, through a respectful invitation, could receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas. That gift might initially be received by their attending one or more of the Christmas week services at Grace Harbor. It may continue by their discovering or re-discovering a personal, intimate relationship with a loving Savior. It may grow by their maturing in ministry and, in turn, spreading the love of Christ. Yes, these would be the greatest gifts they could receive.

Think then, how we, as a growing number of genuine Christians, could begin to reverse this cultural decline. Love overcomes all. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Obviously, a focus on Christ’s love is the only way. Ask someone to Christmas week services at Grace Harbor. Give that initial gift. It starts with us.

Gerry Mouzis

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