Monday, December 16, 2013

No Need To Say Anything

"Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us." 1Thessalonians 8b-9a

I can't believe it! Am I reading this right? Has there ever been a literal time when human beings were involved that there was no need to say anything? Incredible! Even though, we would all agree, actions really do speak louder than words, but oh how we like to add an extra detailed explanation to anything and everything. In this passage it seems the Thessalonians have earned a good report and reputation based on feedback that Paul and others are getting, so they don't need to say more. They just report what good news they heard and leave it at that. We do struggle with too many words. Funny though, not so much the good reports do we tend to add too many words to; it is the bad news and bad reports that we must elaborate on and on.

Everybody has an opinion and some people two, depending on who they are talking to. Most often, the less words the better. But that doesn't mean we won't try to rehash stuff or dig up stuff and perform a verbal post-mortim on it. When something is thoroughly covered, why is it so hard not to say more. I think far too many of us need to have the last word on everything and that can certainly add to the verbiage. Also, why is it that we just have to include one more person in the latest juiciest thing we have heard. The Bible is replete with instruction to put the past behind us. That cannot happen if we keep talking about it.

Granted, there are learning lessons that need to be revisited from things that have happened. But, that doesn't mean we must verbally open old wounds or bring up hurtful comments or low moments every time something new happens. I am sure you have been part of the dragging out of old stuff when new stuff happens. Whether it is a good report or a bad report too often there is too much said. I know the two are different and we should be more tolerant of when the 'good news' is rehashed. Even then there should be an end to the accolades and praise and appreciation. Those who earn these good reports are usually the type of people who are glad when the words stop. As for the other 'bad news' stuff. Well, I think we would all do well to put them in the past where they belong. The sooner the better, the fewest or no words said would be best. I love this phrase, "therefore we do not need to say anything about it." We all could receive this word to the wise... the less said, the better.

I'm done in Him,
Pastor Fred

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