Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Not A Failure

"You know, brothers, that our visit to you was not a failure." 1Thessalonians 2:1"

I so love that the whole Bible fits together. You see, the Word of God is not a random collection of works that are independently written by men with no ultimate cohesive thread of connectedness. This visit and historical event that is spoken of here in this first verse of chapter 2 actually is recorded in Acts 17:1-9. On the initial visit to Thessalonica, Paul was received well and a large number of God fearing Greeks and many prominent women along with some Jews believed in the gospel, but those Jews who did not believe rallied some bad characters, city officials and a crowd to cause a terrible rabble, which led to a near riot, Paul's temporary arrest and a ton of local trouble.

But, as Paul writes the Thessalonian church now he remembers the good that came from that visit. We have a learning lesson here. Even when "hard times" beset us, even when "bad things" happen, God uses those situations and circumstances to move His will forward. He even redeems through seemingly unredeemable times of our lives. When Paul thinks back on his being jailed, beat up, mocked, insulted and attacked, he remembers that people received the gospel. Even though it was a frightening event and seemed a total loss, the fact that someone got the gospel is so much more important.

Recently in my ministry there came a time that was especially tough. People were at each other. There was a lot of misunderstanding, harsh words and unforgiveness to go with it . Folks were in upheaval with raw feelings. I started to think that all the progress that had been made recently was going to unravel. I feared the worsening stresses were going to undo the spirit of hope that I was trying to encourage. Into this mix of a mess came a random visitor on a Sunday afternoon. Someone looking for hope and for truth. Through the graciousness of people, the Spirit's leading and God's impeccable timing that person made a commitment to Christ. Prayed right in my office to accept and know Christ Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Amazing. What a blessing. So far overshadowing all of the other "human stuff" that paled by comparison.

When I reflect on this season, as tough as it has been, with as many distractions as there have been from "the main thing" (spreading the gospel), I will remember that random visit, that decision for Christ, the witness of God's people and the leading of God's spirit. All of the other less important stuff will not come to mind and I will say.... "you know brothers and sisters, that week or two of stress and pressure was not a failure." We so desperately need to constantly put things in perspective. People are going to be people. Times will get tough. Situations and circumstances will arise. But, the word of God, His gospel is our quest. We will love our way through all of it with His grace, keeping our priorities straight and our eyes on Him. Keep hope alive. Our hope is in Him. Remember always what everything is really all about. Today is the day after Christmas, how can I forget.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

1Thessalonians 2:1 "You know, brothers, that our visit to you was not a failure."
In His Service, Pastor Fred

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