Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Feel You

"Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?" II Corinthians 11:29

Paul feels what we feel. I feel what you feel. We all, to a degree feel what each other feels. I know, I know, no way can we know exactly what each other feel, but we do get the general idea. "You just don't understand what I've been through!"

Have you heard that before? While that is true, we all basically know what failure, rejection, temptation, depression, anxiety and hopelessness feel like. Paul is saying that he understands the basic human dilemma, the basic human depravity, and the basic human situation, whatever the gory details are. We all get hurt. We all experience disappointment, and grief, and frustration.

So, what exactly is Paul's point? Let me get personal. Whether you think of good old Pastor Fred as a loser or a luminary, I still am like you. We all do have our shining and dim moments. I too, have felt like I can't go on. You may have been in church the day that I was overwhelmed with a combination of sickness and personal pain, and could not even finish my sermon. If you know me well at all, you know that I have burned with rage, temptations, and fear.

The primary reason I can share the Word of God is that I know that, "I am just one beggar showing other beggars where I found food." We need to know that each other understands each other's problems, issues, and trouble, better than we think. I was born with a predisposition to sin just like you. I struggle and I care. So do you. I also know that you understand, too. Such being the case, let us encourage one another all the more.

In His service with you,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I've always loved your willingness to place yourself at our ("our" being the congregation)level, but you've awed me all over again in this devotional. You are indeed luminary, Pastor Fred, and I'm inspired by you a little bit more every time I encounter you, whether through a devotional or face to face meeting. In our women's Bible Study last week, Lahoma asked us for an example of a time when we'd been "moved" by something someone did or said. Now is one of those times for me - you've moved me. So, thank you for being such a heartfelt and humble pastor. We're truly blessed to have you.
