Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stumbling Blocks

"We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited." II Corinthians 6:1

The discrediting of ministries is such a common practice these days, we need to take every precaution to not trip people up. Granted, some folks stumble over their own feet or issues and then blame it on Christians or the Church or some ministry.

What Paul is suggesting here is that our words or actions, individual or corporate should not make it harder for people to believe or to mature in Christ. Obviously, we should always avoid hypocrisy or any mean-spirited or vengeful talk. We shouldn't discredit other ministries that are His work, even when they are facing scrutiny or someone in that ministry messes up. I am reminded of the recent and well publicized financial troubles of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove. That church and it's ministry has done and still does wonderful work for the Lord. We should pray for good things to happen and for resolution to conflicts and problems they are facing.

I think stumbling blocks come from two primary sources. We can trip people up by either making the faith or believing too difficult or too easy. Legalism and licentiousness are both stumbling blocks. When we are so harsh without the grace, mercy and love that must be part of being a Christian, that can set people up for failure. They can trip over too many rules or excessive expectations and hence, be discouraged early on thinking they just can't be good enough. On the other hand, we can make the commitment to Christ seem so simple that people trip over no boundaries and too few expectations and end up feeling guilty or justified in wrong behavior or choices. What would Jesus have us do? We should not put stumbling blocks, land mines or hurdles in the path of anyone. When we are judgmental, or too accommodating we can hurt the ministry and hurt people too in the process.

If you read further in the 6th Chapter of 2 Corinthians you will see that "hardships, distress and trouble" come anyway, so we shouldn't make it any harder for sure. Or, we shouldn't make it so easy either that 'the way of this world' just mows us down without a fight. Let's be a blessing to each other so we all might continue growing in Him. May the Lord give you both liberty and discipline as you seek to find and do His will. Oh Yeah, and if you are prone to stumble... Uhhh, watch your step ok?

Walking with you,
Pastor Fred

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