Thursday, April 24, 2014

Anything Against Anyone

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven many forgive you your sins." Mark 11:25

Forgiveness must be two-way, seamless and sincere. The line from the Lord's Prayer should remind us of this process. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." You can't ask for forgiveness if you are not willing to grant it. This is not a legalistic opportunity to claim that our sins are not forgiven, or that we are condemned for not forgiving. It is a rule of living and is a matter of the heart. Otherwise people would just go through the motions of forgiveness without really forgiving. That is why we must constantly remember that forgiving is two-way. Forgiving others as we are forgiven. It is also seamless, meaning that since forgiveness is a matter of the heart it is not trapped in space and time. I sometimes need to ask for forgiveness for not being very willing to extend it. God knows our heart about such things. We can't fool God. Our relationships with one another are no mystery to Him. He knows how we really feel. We should feel convicted about such matters. What in the world gives me the right to hold somebody as a judged hostage in my heart. He forgave so we forgive. What He forgave is so much more egregious than what we forgive. No comparison.

We also know that forgiveness must be sincere. If it is not, ask for forgiveness for being insincere. Through grace, His extended to us and consequently ours extended to others, everything can be forgiven. That is why He paid such a high price, the ultimate price. Because He desires for us to live in peace and unity. Among believers there is so much unforgiveness. This thwarts the work of the Holy Spirit. When believers, brothers and sisters won't forgive one another. It is a constant process, if not it wells up in us as bitterness. We too often take out on those who will easily forgive us those things that we won't forgive others of. Hope you got that. Read it again. When we are unforgiving, we punish others for it. Price has to be paid, right? Well, it was. On the cross. Jesus forgave all sin... Past, present and future.

We would do well to regularly, (daily) clean the slates of everyone. If not, then somebody will suffer, even if it is just yourself. Being unforgiving is like taking poison and waiting for someone else to die. So wrong. Forgive today. Forgive right now. It will set you free. God forgive my unforgiveness. Help me to clear the slates of everyone as sure as you cleared all our slates. I want to be free from the burden, sickness and trap of being unforgiving. Please forgive me as I forgive you. Let us forgive one another. He requires it. He earned the right to require it. One of my favorite poems once again, that puts it all in perspective for me. "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the foot that crushed it."

Pastor Fred

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