Monday, April 21, 2014

If You Don't Get It and Wonder Why?

"This is why I speak in parables; 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear." Matthew 13:13

Why does Jesus speak in parables so much? Why are so many of the teachings in Christianity so illustrative and so personally applicable? It is because truth is a matter of the heart, not just the brain. If someone in their heart is not going to hear, they won't hear. They will hear nothing or what they want to hear. If someone in their heart does not want to see, they will not see. They will see nothing or see what they want to see. This is why so often we read people wrong. Our heart which is so intricately connected to our nature and spirit always reflects who we really are and what we really feel, too often in spite of our faith.

So the truth has to come at us from a bit of an angle. If it comes straight on we are likely to blindly accept it but not be transformed by it, or get automatically resistant and deflect it. But, if it can take root, if it can begin to grow in us, then we might possibly appropriate it and apply it, even to the point of being transformed. God is best at reaching us at these angles. Religion, not the good part of what that word can mean, but the shallow part of the game of "churchianity" we can so easily play, is an easy trap to fall into. The truth cannot ever set you free unless you are willing to hear and see and admit that you are stuck. I think stuck is the default position of human nature. We are wrong, misunderstand, presume and screw up by nature. Only by effort, discipline and constant awareness can we not just do what comes naturally. We must change from within. That is transformation.

Maybe today you are hearing this and not really hearing this. If it doesn't convict you then you don't really want to listen. Maybe today you are seeing this, but don't really want to look at it. It is personal, and it is applicable. I know from my own battles. Today, for example, I have been misquoted and misrepresented already. My natural inclination is to avoid people or to lash back, maybe real slowly, which can be my worst response. Instead, I am going to let it be a lesson in human nature, including mine. Soooo... as is said way too often these days, but not actually done often enough....I am going to.... "Let it go." I have not seen the movie, "Frozen", but I love that line. So today as I breathe deep and forgive, knowing that I too, need to be forgiven, I can and will learn from what I say. Join me, if you dare. Really listen and really hear and really see and really understand. I'm working on it myself today.

In His Grip,
Pastor Fred

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