Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How We Error

"Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?" Mark 12:24

This is an amazing response to a question about marriage in heaven. Indeed the Sadducees were wrong because of both things. It is the human condition to doubt because of ignorance and a lack of faith. He is talking to very religious people here. To infer that they do not know the Scriptures is a bold statement in and of itself.

Let's admit it and be honest. We are not good students of the Word. The devil redirects, dissuades and distracts us constantly from knowing the Word. You see, if we did know the Word, we wouldn't fall for his schemes so often. We wouldn't be run by our emotions so often. We wouldn't be all hyped up on the drama so often. These are the ways he keeps us immature in our faith. If we were more knowledgeable of His Word and had a deeper Bible understanding of our faith, we would be so much more stable. The enemy likes to keep us on edge and close to tilt. This way, just the slightest thing throws us into doubting and faithlessness. The only solution for faithlessness is faithfulness. But, you must fill yourself with His Word. So, as learned as the Sadducees were they were totally distracted by small-time chippy questions about technicalities. People who don't want to deal with the big issues are prone to micromanage.

Now, regarding the other half of the Lord's response about power. Let me share with you how it works for me. Whatever I do not know or understand in the moment about the truth of His Word on any matter, I immediately allow His power to have control of it. Such as, "I don't understand why this is happening? BUT, God does and He is all-powerful. I feel better already. When I don't have knowledge or understanding, my faith based on His power takes over. We should desire to do both. To both know Him personally and intimately. in His power. But also earnestly pursue Him in His Word. Can't just be all intellectual about our beliefs with no power, nor can we be all faith and no depth of understanding. Know Him, and know what you are talking about according to His Word.

Hope today you sense both. His truth and His power. Hope you pursue both today. I want to know Him and I want to know everything the Word has to say about Him. Must do both. Join me. In His Word and by His Power,
Pastor Fred

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