Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Something to Eat

"As evening approached the disciples came to Him and said. "This is a remote place and it is already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food." Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." Matthew 14:15-16

We know this story. There is more than one miraculous feeding shared in the Bible. I think because the principle herein is not event-driven but heart-driven. We sometimes solve problems without consideration of what our heart would tell us to do. We make worldly excuses about insurance not covering it, or it making too big of a mess, or logistical issues. It is so easy to apologize or to just say sorry it can't happen. We would love to help but for whatever reason it is not just possible. That is not to say that there are times that we should not respond, because God doesn't want or need us to get involved or take responsibility. Every time we solve a problem we must also make sure that we are addressing the heart issue. We deal with a lot of people and food at Grace Harbor Church. It gets crowded and it gets messy. It gets awkward and it becomes a complicated process. But compared to the good and the blessing that comes out of it, it is worth it.

I have been thinking about what Jesus said about 'not sending them away'. The disciples were concerned about them being so far from home and not having food before they would travel. That is admirable. But, Jesus wanted to address the core issue without sending them away. He wanted them to know they were welcome. At other times He escaped the crowds. But, not when they were hungry. Jesus was one solutionary guy. That word just came up red and underlined on my computer. Am I inventing words again? Whether solutionary is a word or not, you know what I mean. Jesus came up with solutions. Not just ones that made the immediate problem go away. Ones that addressed the real core issues.

On Saturdays when I come to church to help the folks that do the Food Drive Ministry that distributes the Fresh Rescue food from Albertsons, I sometimes get the opportunity to talk to people who receive food. The two things that have struck me the deepest are very different. The first one is the simple and quiet "thank you" I hear from scores of people every week. Many times the words are just mouthed across the parking lot. Sometimes I am shown special things that they received. Things that they could never afford at the market. The other thing that I hear is from the children. You see on Saturdays we see lots of children. We could just send them away. It is a bit of a hassle to have it here. When the children rub their tummies as they load the car, that just about does it for me. So I take it seriously and personally when the words of Jesus are. "You give them something to eat." I know it took a miracle, but it also took some solutionary people to make it happen.

In Her Service,
Pastor Fred

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