Monday, August 17, 2015

“A Workman Approved By God” Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of truth.”" 2 Timothy 2:15

This verse always reminds me of AWANA. AWANA as an acrostic stands for A Workman Approved, Not Ashamed. One of the fundamental principles of having a weekly children’s bible club is the study of God’s Word. We must study, and learn a hunger and appreciation for His Truth. Bible Study must be really hard, because I am convinced very few people really do it. Of course your enemy satan, will do anything to prevent or distract you from being in God’s Word. These words to Timothy to stand before God without excuse or shame about the Kingdom work and study of Scripture, that we are all commanded to do is daunting. I mean, how in the world can you tackle a huge project like reading or studying The Bible? Kinda like you would eat an elephant…. one bite at a time. Like you can consume a bag of chips or M&M’s…. just do it. Or how you can watch endless amounts of sports, news shows, or the famous “I usually only watch Discovery or History or National Geographic programs”. You get me right? We waste plenty of time. What I don’t have a few minutes for, I can’t do if given hours to get it accomplished. This is especially difficult with the world, the flesh, and the devil constantly whispering in my ear that I am just too busy, or overloaded, or tired, or whatever my lame excuse of the day might be. You do it too. So we must discipline ourselves, dedicate time, write devotionals, prepare sermons (I do have a bit of a necessitated advantage I know) but, beyond my job, I have to find even more time in His Word. A commitment is absolutely imperative for my well-being and spiritual growth. Otherwise I flounder and get tied in knots and am frustrated. My shame about my lack of discipline is my problem, no blaming anything or anyone else.

The way to correctly handle the Word of Truth is to do it more often, deeper, and with devotion and surrender to discovering His will and truth. The first three words of this verse may be the key. ‘Do your best’. Let me be the first to admit that my best doesn’t happen as often as you may think and I definitely know. Don’t panic. Don’t fret. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead, make a commitment to be in His Word daily and to study it deeper weekly. Get in a Bible Study. Look that elephant square in the eye and go for it. The first few bites are hardest, then you get an appetite for it, then a meal plan and before you know it you are making real progress. Then, watch what God will do in your life as you feed on the truth.

You will be amazed and blessed.

In His Word,
Pastor Fred

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