Tuesday, August 4, 2015


"The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops." 2 Timothy 2:6

Farming is a long-term process. When I was about 5 years old or so, I remember cutting potatoes and then with toothpicks suspending them in a jar of water so that they would grow. I checked them every hour, then several times the next day and then daily until I gave up. But, in time they sprouted and grew. Not quick enough for me, but they grew. Oh, they were getting ready to bud and bloom, I just couldn't see it. Seeing was believing. Everything takes time. I once planted carrots and dug them up way too soon; couldn't give it time. My children once were digging in the planter and brought me several tulip bulbs that they had discovered. They didn't even know or understand that those would be flowers if we left them in the fertile ground.
So much is happening by way of the Spirit, in His time that is so hard to wait for. Can you imagine waiting seasons for a harvest? The hardworking farmer gets this. He prepares the soil, plants, lets the water and the sunshine do their work... then he waits.

When we wait for our witness to work, or our hard work to pay off, or our faith to grow, there will be a harvest and we will taste the fruit of our labor. The hardest work is waiting. Everything takes time and there is a time for everything. I have learned to wait better, not always, but far more often.
Transformation is a miracle that most often takes time, but worth the waiting. Wait on the Lord; He knows just the right time. He knows the right place, the right way, the right person and the right thing too.
We have much to learn from hardworking farmers.

Still learning,
Pastor Fred

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