Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Of Princes and Mortal Men

Psalm 146:3-4 Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground, on that very day their plans come to nothing.

This passage compels me to preach. We are so inclined to put our faith, trust, hope and belief in mortals who cannot save. Mortals are not inclined to save anyway, they tend to spend. Princes are spoiled for the most part and however they have been anointed, appointed, elected or propped up, they are there only because God allows them to continue. All thrones, magistrates, potentates, self-proclaimed leaders, kings and queens and the rest will someday bow before the Only One who deserves praise. That is said more than once in the Word and we must believe it. That being the case, why do we fall so gullible to the rhetoric, ballyhooing and trumpeting of politicians, authors, spiritual types and the famous, notorious and media enhanced popularized at any cost crowd. It truly baffles me.

I really don't get it. Men and women who have this charm or cleverness or winsomeness or manipulative, seducing skill seem to be believed beyond reason. We hang on certain ones words, awaiting the next 'wonderful thing' they might say, sell, promote or railroad. We really should only put our trust, hope, faith and belief in God. If anyone ever says anything that the Word of God doesn't endorse it is baloney sauce. What has happened to us that from one end of the spectrum to the other we have these voices that somehow influence us so much? Are we too lazy to think for ourselves? Have we become blinded by the hype? Do we really care about the private lives of the famous? How do we justify putting any stock in whatever anyone says about anyone anyway? I guarantee you this... if it sells soap, meets the goals of whoever is paying for the time to push it, or is a pet project of the devil (remember that I put his name in lower case letters as purely an act of disrespect), these things will find airtime and will be the fodder of our nonsensical curiosities.

Back to the Word, where we can make some true sense of everything. This Psalm is all about the help of man versus the help of God. The help of man is temporal and unstable but help from God is lasting and complete and effective. Let me tell you about what happens to mortals. They die and return to the dust, (except for those that trust God), their spirits depart to one place or the other (even the famous have to choose you know) and as the Psalm says... "on that very day that they die their plans come to nothing." That kind of says it all huh? Every once in awhile some young person will make some conjecture about what something that is going to happen 40 years from now and ask me what I think about it. I usually say that I am not planning on being here, but that if they are interested in what I think anyway I will give them a response. That may sound a little morbid to a few, but realistic I think. I don't dwell on it all the time, but I am thinking more and more about living forever being the most important part of living now.

I think all the fascination happens for two reasons and I will close with them.

1) We indeed are too lazy and totally distracted from reading, studying and following the most important Book and Author. You know the one. You must agree with me or else we would all have a far better understanding of the Truth.
2) The media or powers that be or influencers have to fill their books, shows and speeches with something and since they are probably even lazier and more distracted and don't give much credit to the Book or Author I mentioned you can only imagine that what they come with is not as valuable.

Take care and careful what you hear and believe, Pastor Fred

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