Thursday, December 30, 2010

Regarding Kindness

Psalm 109:16 "For he never thought of doing a kindness, but hounded to death the poor and the needy and the brokenhearted."

We don't know much about the specifics of the poor scoundrel of which this verse speaks, but the surrounding verses paint a very miserable and sad picture of someone who lacked empathy, compassion and seemingly had no heart. We know that can't be true, because we all have hearts. (not talking about the 'blood pump' here, but the "kardia" that place where we invite Jesus to live) Without Christ though, the heart is a vast empty space or full of self.
When it is a vast empty space there is no empathy and when it is full of self there is no compassion. We do know this about Psalm 109, evidently David has been betrayed and hurt deeply by someone trusted and loved and the end result was somehow tragic and disastrous. David, before the Lord, lashes out and in essence, "curses" the evildoer and his compatriots and puts them in the hands of His righteous God. Better than taking matters into his own hands. He then puts himself in God's hands to be dealt with. This is a good principle, one we should learn from and utilize.

Why is verse 16 so shocking and revealing though? Think about it. Can you imagine never even thinking of doing a kindness? I can imagine thinking of a kindness and not doing it, but to never have one cross my mind is unimaginable. What self-consumption, arrogance and heartlessness it would take to never do a kindness to anyone, and then to be so oppressive to boot. Wow, paints an ugly picture huh? I mean we are all capable of heartless moments, maybe hours, hopefully not days or weeks or longer. Let me leave you with a haunting thought about a principle not often considered. Ponder this... Is a kindness undone, ignored or forgotten a "sin of omission? Meaning a sin that we did not commit but omitted doing? Kindnesses are the very heart of God. Remember, it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. Perhaps it is our lack of kindness that keeps people from more opportunity to consider repentance. Kindness is as beautiful of a picture when it is done as it is an ugly picture when undone. Simple kindnesses are blessings both to the receiver and the giver. Be kind, think of kindness, follow through on your kind thoughts and be at least as much of a blessing as that fellow who I referred to as a poor scoundrel. Thank kind and then do kind.

With His loving kindness, Pastor Fred

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