Thursday, January 27, 2011

All Things are Possible

Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

Nothing is impossible with God. That is the truth. Sometimes it is very difficult to apply such a principle of faith to our daily walk, but it remains true. I believe it. Yet, I do struggle with impossible situations, people, quagmires and obstacles. Funny though, those things that I thought were going to be real points of impasse or total calamities have always passed and are somehow resolved in due time. There is literally nothing that God can't handle. Which means that with God, we too can handle anything at all, great or small, insurmountable or overwhelming.

The context of this quote from Jesus is in answer to a question about how is it possible that anyone be saved when the cost of true discipleship is so high. Rich people have a hard time getting into heaven when money is their God. Famous people have a hard time getting into heaven when popularity is their God. Beautiful people have a hard time getting into heaven when looks are their God. Powerful people have a hard time getting into heaven when control is their God. Addicted people have a hard time getting into heaven when drugs are their God. So how can any of us ever get there? It is not easy. It cost Jesus His life. Not easy, but not impossible either.

We must remember that the value of our salvation is immeasurable, but is free. How can something that cost everything to Jesus, be free to us. Hence the saying that spells the letters of Grace in an acrostic... God's Riches At Christ's Expense. We receive the most wonderful gift imaginable because Jesus pays for it. Man could not do that. Human beings just do not have this generous capacity for grace. But God does. The impossibility of redemption for mankind is made possible by the grace of God. Man can't save himself. He almost seems bent on destroying himself. Into this quagmire and impossible situation full of billions of people, God sends a Savior, His own Son to give us the gift of eternal life. What a plan!

If God can do that, redeem humans, plus make something out of nothing, plus keep the whole cosmos turning and running. Then, what can't He do? That's right... nothing. Literally, nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible with God. This means that we have endless potential for fulfilling His will, if we seek it. We can experience joy beyond measure. We can make a difference. It matters. This is very encouraging. Though the world around us be wasting away, blowing up, falling apart or even meaningless... God can turn that around. He can do everything, He can do anything. Nothing is bigger than Him or beyond Him. Take that truth in today and let it rest on your heart and bless your spirit.

Whatever it is, turn it over to Him. Whatever you need, ask Him. Surrender to Him. Give Him everything. He is waiting for you, what are you waiting for? Everything is possible. I thank Him right now for all He has done for me, through me and with me. I will be eternally grateful to Him. I thank Him right now for this privilege to share with you. May He speak to you and show you the riches of His grace and the depths of His love.

In Him as always,
Pastor Fred

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