Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Have Complete Happiness

John 3:27-30 "John (the Baptist) answered, 'No one can have anything unless God gives it.' You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, 'I am not the Messiah, but I have been sent ahead of Him.' 'The bridgegroom is the one to whom the bride belongs; the the bridegroom's friend, who stands by and listens, is glad when he hears the bridegrooms's voice.' 'This is how my own happiness is made complete.' 'He must become more important while I become less important.'"

John the Baptist in this passage is responding to a comment made to him by some who were following his teachings and the baptism for repentance and were letting him know that Jesus was teaching and many people were following Him. He, in effect, is saying that the reason people are following Jesus is because that is what God the Father wants and is giving that response to the Christ. John then reiterates his position that he is not the Messiah, but points to the Messiah. Then he gives this beautiful illustration about how he is the bridegroom's friend and that all those who follow are the bride and therefore he is doing just as the Lord wants...... pointing the way and serving His Lord.

The words that are part of the title of today's devotional resonate with me. Complete happiness is made complete when people see Jesus. Inscribed on many pulpits that I have preached from are the simple words, "Sir, we would see Jesus." Good counsel. Those who truly serve Him do not do so to draw attention to themselves but to point to Jesus. I am happiest when that happens. When anyone is drawn closer to Him by the ministry He has called me to, I am happiest. Absolutely I would say that my joy is complete only at those times. Throughout our lives we must become less important as He becomes more important.

So here is the question of the day. Do you want complete happiness, total joy and absolute fulfillment? Serve the Lord. Point to Him. Become less so He can become more. Be glad when you hear His voice. Help Him to be one with His Bride. The beautiful illustration that John the Baptist shares with us is one that paints a picture of total surrender to God's will. When we are willing to give our lives completely to the service of the Lord, there is a happiness like no other that will fill our hearts.

As a shepherd or pastor I love the sheep. But they are His sheep. I am His sheep too. As pastor we don't own, possess or hold any power or sway over His flock. We merely serve Him and are happiest when believers draw closer to Christ. Soooooo...... not only is it not about the pastor, it is not about one particular church either. All pastors point to Him, wherever the sheep go, as long as they call Him Lord, that is a good thing. I am blessed to be the pastor of Grace Harbor Church and I want to serve the bridegroom in any way I can to make His relationship with His bride possible. May you draw even closer to Him. That would make me completely happy.

For Him,
Pastor Fred

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