Monday, November 16, 2015

The Prophet Joel, Part One

"No, this is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel: In the last days God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people." Acts 2:16-17a

Peter quotes Joel's prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the inauguration of the last days. Whenever we hear the term "last days" we seem to either start looking for our tinfoil hats or start crying “when, when, when?" So much so that we can totally miss the power of the passage, which is the fact that God has poured out His Spirit on all people. Sure, this is huge in general, but how about personally?

God has poured out His Spirit on me and you. If I really let that sink in and truly receive it my whole perspective should change. I certainly should be empowered and enlightened enough to never need or even worry about tin foil hats, predictions or conspiracies. And, I can trade my “when, when, when?” question in for a “what should we do?” question.

Don't miss the Holy Spirit focusing on what you can't control. Focus on the Holy Spirit who can help us with our control issues. Hope your day is blessed and under His control.

In His grip,
Pastor Fred

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