Friday, November 6, 2015


"When the Day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." Acts 2:1

It’s always a good idea to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, with the right people. For example... the right time is Sunday, the right place is Grace Harbor (or somewhere), the right thing is worshiping and the right people are other Christians. When you miss church, you miss not only what can happen to you, but you miss what happens to others and what happens to us together too.

So many times I refer to what happened last Sunday and people have missed it. I get it. Everybody has stuff they must do. Like work for example. I understand. Family events, too. Of course those are necessary. But, too often we make excuses or stay out too late or don't manage our time, rest, or health well and we miss that Sunday time together. Stuff happens, I get it... BUT... Stuff happens that you miss too. Important stuff. You are missed when you don't make it. We all have to be gone now and then, but we don't have to miss so much. Sunday is a commitment, not just an option.

Can you imagine if on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came if 20 of the 120 who were in that upper room missed another time together? It is my job to be there I know, but even when it is not, I want to be there so I don't miss what God is doing. We need to be together, as often as possible, in one place. Hope to see you more often through the holiday season. Try not to miss too much. See you in church.

May God draw our hearts together more and more to do His will and receive His Spirit.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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