Friday, November 13, 2015

"Veterans Day"

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13
"With Your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall" Psalm 18:29

Today is Veteran’s Day, a day set aside by our nation to recognize and honor our military veterans. Throughout the history of our great country, there have always been many brave men and women who have been willing to sacrifice much and to place themselves in harm’s way in defense of the freedoms we enjoy, and which we too often take for granted. I thank each and every one of them for their service, and I thank God for them.

I had the distinct honor of being invited by Grace Harbor School to come and share with the children today about Veteran’s Day. I shared a little about the history of the day, and some about my time serving with the United States Marine Corps, but more importantly, I got to share with them from God’s Word, which is one of the great freedoms we have in this country that many other people of the world do not have. I shared the first verse above because it speaks to me about how important it is for all of us to love one another so much that we’d be willing to lay down our very lives, if necessary, for one another. I shared the second verse because it held special meaning for me during my time in service, reminding me that no matter how dangerous a situation I found myself in, no matter how big the challenge I faced, and no matter how scared I was, that my God was always with me, and because of that, I could do anything. I told the kids that this applied to them as well.

And now, I’d like to share one final verse with you that I hope will make this Veteran’s Day, and all the days ahead, more meaningful. It’s from Romans 12:18, and it says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” We can’t control the actions of others, but we are in control of how we respond. Each of us is responsible for living in peace in this world. God’s peace to you on this Veteran’s Day and always!

Love in Jesus,

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