Monday, January 31, 2011

Give Those Burdens a Big Toss!!!

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22

As we prepare to wave farewell to 2010, some may be rejoicing at its departure, others are still mulling over many unresolved issues that are currently plaguing their minds, causing anxiety and concern for their future. I know that the end of the year is a great time for evaluation, but also a time for anticipation, both good and sometimes not-so-good. Our passage today comes from the Psalms, and it is a great reminder that when David was overwhelmed, he was also reminded to cast his burden upon the Lord and experience the sustaining power of God’s love and mercy. I recently read about how an ancient rabbi once explained Psalm 55:22 by telling of a man walking through the desert who carried a heavy load on his back. One day he fell into the company of an Arabian tradesman who told him, "Take your burden and toss it on my camel." The man did so, and his trip became more pleasant. The rabbi said the word "cast" meant "to toss something from one place to another." While we journey through this life, we need times when we can “cast” our burden upon another source, and many times our friends and family members are equally weighed down and can’t take much more. Let’s remember to cast our burdens upon the LORD, and feel the relief that comes from trusting in Him to carry it to where it needs to go.

The apostle Peter must have been thinking of this psalm when he said, "...casting all your care on Him, for He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). In the Greek New Testament, the same word was used in the Gospels to describe the disciples' tossing their clothes on the donkey Jesus rode into Jerusalem. These "twin" verses in Psalms and 1 Peter double our assurance that God can bear our load, carry our burden, sustain our hearts in difficulty, and work all things together for our good. Trouble can be the means by which He teaches us to trust Him afresh. Jesus calls to us today from the gospel writings when He said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. When I am tired, weary of the things of this life, I want to remember Jesus calling to me, and run into His big strong arms and rest in His strength. God also said through the prophet Jeremiah: “For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone with a sorrowful soul.” Jeremiah 31:25 I vote for times of refreshing in 2011, how about you? Cast your cares on the Lord today, and He will sustain you.

Shalom, sister Lahoma

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Secret

Mark 4:11-12 When He was alone, the Twelve and the others around Him asked Him about the parables. He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!"

The particular parable that those closely following Jesus were looking for an explanation of was the one about the Sower. You know, the one about the seed falling on different types of soils. Even more importantly I think are these words that precede that elaborate explanation that address the principle of perceiving and understanding. We have been given the secret. At the time of our salvation God installed in us a spiritual capacity to understand spiritual things. All believers have it. Like every other tool, it must be used in order for it to be effective. Jesus Himself, in us is the key to understanding. All we must do is turn to Him and seek Him and listen. Ask to see with spiritual eyes and hear with spiritual ears and you will understand so many more things, so much more easily.

This is not a mystical process or magical experience. Let's start with a simpler process. Those who do not know Him or the truth or have the capacity for understanding because they are not followers of the King see things but they don't perceive. Meaning, they look at it and don't get it. They see it but don't really see it. The epiphany of really seeing is possible for every believer on a level that non-believers cannot experience. I'm sure you have looked at something and not been able to see what you were really looking at and then all of a sudden you close your eyes or look away and look back again or take a slightly different angle and Bingo, there it is. The same thing happens with listening and actually hearing or understanding what you are listening to.

In this world we live in we are taught and trained from many sources to only hear and see what we need to hear and see. In this high-tech age that we are all being exposed to our spiritual eyes and ears are more important than ever. If we don't really hear and see on a deeper level we are going to tend to believe all kinds of stuff that is probably not as it appears or sounds. A little scary sometimes huh? I remember back when it was obvious when somebody was doctoring a photo or twisting words. Computer generated images look real, feel real, seem real and we have a far more difficult time differentiating between truth and fiction. In this day and age it is essential for Christians to be able to step back from the onslaught of images and information and the spins put on them. Seeing is not believing. If I see it I may not believe it. If I hear it, it still may not be true. Even if I 'saw it with my own eyes or heard it with my own ears'. Our perceptions must be questioned and our analyses and findings must be double-checked. Most things are not as they seem.

The deceiver, the devil, the prince of lies is extremely capable of deception, illusion and trickery. He plays on emotion, need, disinformation and weaknesses to make us both question truth and believe lies. A final thought here to give you pause to think. If we really saw Him and heard Him and grasped the meaning of the secret that is revealed in us in Him... we would indeed be forgiven, transformed and redeemed. Herein is the key. More and more often with everything we see and hear, we must take a second look or listen to make sure it is what we are being told it is. Don't obsess on this, but also don't blow it off. Think carefully and try to see from God's perspective exactly what is really happening in every context around you. Wisdom that comes from Him and His Word is a cure for foolishness, paranoia, blindness and deafness. Let those who have ears to hear, listen.

Keep seeking the truth,
Pastor Fred

Thursday, January 27, 2011

All Things are Possible

Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

Nothing is impossible with God. That is the truth. Sometimes it is very difficult to apply such a principle of faith to our daily walk, but it remains true. I believe it. Yet, I do struggle with impossible situations, people, quagmires and obstacles. Funny though, those things that I thought were going to be real points of impasse or total calamities have always passed and are somehow resolved in due time. There is literally nothing that God can't handle. Which means that with God, we too can handle anything at all, great or small, insurmountable or overwhelming.

The context of this quote from Jesus is in answer to a question about how is it possible that anyone be saved when the cost of true discipleship is so high. Rich people have a hard time getting into heaven when money is their God. Famous people have a hard time getting into heaven when popularity is their God. Beautiful people have a hard time getting into heaven when looks are their God. Powerful people have a hard time getting into heaven when control is their God. Addicted people have a hard time getting into heaven when drugs are their God. So how can any of us ever get there? It is not easy. It cost Jesus His life. Not easy, but not impossible either.

We must remember that the value of our salvation is immeasurable, but is free. How can something that cost everything to Jesus, be free to us. Hence the saying that spells the letters of Grace in an acrostic... God's Riches At Christ's Expense. We receive the most wonderful gift imaginable because Jesus pays for it. Man could not do that. Human beings just do not have this generous capacity for grace. But God does. The impossibility of redemption for mankind is made possible by the grace of God. Man can't save himself. He almost seems bent on destroying himself. Into this quagmire and impossible situation full of billions of people, God sends a Savior, His own Son to give us the gift of eternal life. What a plan!

If God can do that, redeem humans, plus make something out of nothing, plus keep the whole cosmos turning and running. Then, what can't He do? That's right... nothing. Literally, nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible with God. This means that we have endless potential for fulfilling His will, if we seek it. We can experience joy beyond measure. We can make a difference. It matters. This is very encouraging. Though the world around us be wasting away, blowing up, falling apart or even meaningless... God can turn that around. He can do everything, He can do anything. Nothing is bigger than Him or beyond Him. Take that truth in today and let it rest on your heart and bless your spirit.

Whatever it is, turn it over to Him. Whatever you need, ask Him. Surrender to Him. Give Him everything. He is waiting for you, what are you waiting for? Everything is possible. I thank Him right now for all He has done for me, through me and with me. I will be eternally grateful to Him. I thank Him right now for this privilege to share with you. May He speak to you and show you the riches of His grace and the depths of His love.

In Him as always,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Little Ones

Matthew 18:10 "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."

God's love for children is not questioned. His extreme care for them is spoken of in His Word many times. He has a special relationship with children. Actually, I remember. When very young I could sense the presence of His power so readily. I believe there were angels present at my emergency appendectomy and when my father drove our car off into a ditch when a tornado passed. I remember the peace and love and joy I felt just thinking about God. This passage of scripture lets us know that angels are specifically assigned to children. I think it is why they so readily believe and why they seem to have such an easy and precious love for Jesus.

That being said let me share with you something that happened to me during worship this week. I usually join worship during the first or second song after almost all the people have arrived and been welcomed or greeted at the gate. As I came to the front row I was immediately given a hug from Evanee. She is a very loving child. As we were singing, I noticed that Evanee was watching me worship. She was really focused on my singing and when I would raise my hands and the words we were singing. She then decided that we would hold hands. So for one whole song I sang to the Lord and to Evanee as we held hands. This seemed to make her very happy. She had to reach way up to hold my hand and look even further up to watch me worship.

Then something happened that surprised me. She sat down. As best as she could anyway, she sat down straining even harder to hold hands. So I sat down to make her more comfortable. This made her even happier. She continued to watch me worship intently, eyes wide open, smiling ear to ear. I thought to myself if anyone wondered why I had sat down during worship. But you know… I wasn't standing to be seen, so I wasn't sitting for any reason other than to accommodate Evanee so we could hold hands during the songs. As we sat together it was easier for me to sing to her and illustrate the word, and a lot easier for her to see. This she enjoyed thoroughly, and so did I, and so did My Heavenly Father.

As the last line of the song was sung, I bent closer to Evanee and whispered into her ear that Jesus loved her and so did I. In response to this, she says...."Uh huh, I know". Of course she does. As I read these words from scripture today I just had to smile and remember my time of worship with Evanee. Jesus said, "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." I'm thinking I got a glimpse of Him in Evanee's eyes and hopefully she in mine. Take time for children, it helps you stay close to God and to see His face. Also, be sure to do whatever you should not to disrupt the worship of anybody. God would appreciate that, after all it is His time right?

In His Service, Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beware of False Teaching

Matthew 13:12 "Then they understood that He was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

This historical incident recorded for us in Matthew has some wonderful spiritual application teaching at the heart of it that is worthy of explaining and sharing. Jesus makes this statement to His disciples because they have misunderstood what He told them. I wonder how often that happens to us. You know, how we just miss the boat completely about what God is showing us or revealing to us.

The context of this statement happens following one of their many boat trips across the lake, which they took quite often. The Bible tells us that on this particular day, the disciples somehow forgot to bring any bread. They are seriously self-conscious about this and Jesus tells them something totally unrelated to what they are obsessed with, that is far more important when He says, "Be careful. Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees" He is referring to the lies and distortions and false teachings of the teachers of the law that so misleads the people and traps them into legalism. The disciples think Jesus is making a comment about bread and their lack of attention to detail. You know the temptation to make everything you hear about what you are worrying about? Yep, happens right here in the Bible. Jesus then reminds them that bread is obviously not a problem because He fed thousands with just a few loaves and more than once too.

Jesus could have made the comment here that he made later saying, "You strain at gnats and miss camels." This means you are missing the big points. Don't major on the minors or minor on the majors, major on the majors and minor on the minors. He questions their faith and then warns them again about the yeast or 'action agent' in bread which is a real problem when the yeast is bad. The disciples then have a giant 'Aha!!' moment which brings us to verse 12 that tells us that the disciples finally got it. They understood.

We are so like this. We worry about things that are not important really and stress about things that are inconsequential or less important, even unimportant. We strain at gnats and miss camels. We shoo the fly out of our living rooms and ignore the elephant. (Hey, maybe the elephant is attracting flies, ya think?) Anyway, the point of this devotional is that we need to take the time to truly listen to God's truth and apply it appropriately. It is probably not a lack of truth that is our biggest problem these days as much as it is how many lies we believe. 'In with the good air' only works well when we are also doing the 'out with the bad air' part.

For example, if in your heart you believe that God loves you and you simultaneously are counteracting that with some low self-esteem script from your childhood, you aren't going to make much progress. We seriously need to do both. We must breathe in lots of good air of truth and hope and faith and love and peace and joy and at the same time blow out all the nonsense and lies about being worthless, hopeless, unloved, conflicted and depressed. See my point? The world out there is selling us a crock of baloney every day and we must beware and be careful as Jesus would say. Just like a little yeast is all it takes to make bread rise, only a little untruth, perversion, bad counsel or evil can corrupt us quickly. We must protect ourselves from so much false teaching even as we seek the truth.

In His Word,
Pastor Fred

Monday, January 24, 2011


“I am no man’s slave, but I have made myself a slave to all, in order to win the more for Christ. To the Jews I have made myself as a Jew, in order to win Jews; to those who live under the law I have come as one under the law, in order to win those who are under the law — not that I myself am under the law. To those who live without the law I have come as one without the law, in order to win those who are without the law — not that I am really under no law in relation to God, for I am bound by the law of Christ. To those who are weak I have made myself weak, so as to win the weak; in fact, I have become all things to all people, in order that, one way or another, I may rescue some of them. But I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share its blessings with others” 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Emily and I recently attended an alternative rock concert in West Hollywood so that we could hear an up and coming Christian band called “For Today”. I had heard their music on CD, read their lyrics, but wanted to see for myself if this was the real deal. The style of music is definitely not one that I would seek out on my own, but I have always wanted to support the youth and the up and coming evangelists for each generation who needs to hear the gospel in their own style. I am so glad that I had the foresight to bring ear plugs with me to the concert (because I am certain I would have been deaf by the end of the night). The music was so loud that it literally vibrated the skin on my face the entire time! The late night concert scene was a sea of young people mostly dressed in alternative style black clothing, moshing and slamming into each other, and shouting and surging around the stage as we listened to this AMAZING group of young men totally sold out for Christ and His heart for youth. Tatoos from head to toe, piercings, hair styles and colors, giant ear spacers… you name it and we saw it all in one place that night. Even though I could barely understand the words of the songs, I was familiar with the lyrics from “For Today”, here’s one example of the words so you can see that although the style of music may not be my first choice, the words definitely resonate within my soul as the RIGHT MESSAGE for our youth today:

Lyrics to: Isaiah (The Willing) by “FOR TODAY”:

Here I am, God. Send me to the world. There is a burden on my heart to let the world know that You are God. From You, the mighty King of Kings, I learn the word that sustains the weary heart. But, I have been silent for far too long. I love them too much to sit back and watch them die. So take the life that you gave to me, Lord, and speak your heart to a generation.
Brothers and sisters, my prayer for you has been heard. And you can take refuge and hope in this Word: This is the end of the world as we know it. Death will hold no power. Dry your tears and lift your head. Death will hold no power.
Let the light of life shine down upon a people in darkness.
We are the grateful forgiven; the restored and renewed. We will take for ourselves no rest until we are face of God on the earth. And take no rest, God. Take no rest for yourself. Take no rest, oh Lord. May we be the generation to bring your glory down.
Our generation will prophecy. So let the world know, we are a dynasty.

(Thanks to Austin L. for these lyrics)

Here I am, God. Send me to the world. There is a burden on my heart to let the world know that You are God. From You, the mighty King of Kings, I learn the word that sustains the weary heart. But, I have been silent for far too long. I love them too much to sit back and watch them die. So take the life that you gave to me, Lord, and speak your heart to a generation.

Brothers and sisters, my prayer for you has been heard. And you can take refuge and hope in this Word: This is the end of the world as we know it. Death will hold no power. Dry your tears and lift your head. Death will hold no power. Let the light of life shine down upon a people in darkness.

We had a chance to meet with some of the band after the concert, and they were such great guys. I highly recommend this band to any young people who are into this “Scream-O style of music. I also recommend to parents that if you have youth in your home that listen to the world’s version of this music, please prayerfully consider substituting their choices with Christian alternative music such as “For Today” because I can assure you that the bands with this style who are not Christian are NOT singing lyrics that you want your kids to be exposed to, even if they are screaming and the music is so loud you can’t understand anything they are “preaching” as they growl and scream into their microphones. The passion of “For Today” is to place their band into concerts with other bands, not necessarily Christian, so that they can share the gospel and be bold for Jesus. They start their set with clearly declaring that they are boldly Christian, that Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE that can set them free, and even give altar calls to their audiences, and pray with kids back stage after their concerts.

As I watched this concert, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of the passage that we have for our devotion today from I Corinthians 9. For those familiar with the original setting of the newly forming first century church, the key to successful missionary activity and the secret of the church’s advance among the diverse nations and cultures of the world was to understand their target audience and speak TO that person, applying the power and truth of the gospel to that generation. In this passage Paul sees rather a change of “stance” according to his hearers — not the gospel, but its presentation and the explanation of it are changed. So it is true for every generation that followed, including the one we are in today, filled with kids who are lost, and searching for something they can firmly stand on. We need to constantly be in prayer that we reach out our hands and hearts to those on the frontlines of outreach, even when we can’t do it ourselves. We can provide the resources, we can encourage them, and we can remember to NOT judge them based on their outside appearance or what it may seem like at first glance! Jesus died for everyone, including the kid with the rainbow hair color, piercings, tattoos and headphones. I have good news! There is a remnant rising up with a PASSION and INTENSITY that can only come from a true relationship with Jesus Christ, Who’s heart is to reach the lost at any cost through His surrendered servants.

Pray for Christian bands like For Today who are literally on the frontlines of the battle, reaching for these youth who are slipping through the cracks and sliding down the slippery slopes of the world philosophies and lies of our adversary. Stand with those who go where you and I can’t go, and pray protection and wisdom and BOLDNESS over them. I hope to meet the guys from this group again, and even though I’m just a “mom”, I am so blessed to know that they are out there fighting the good fight, not compromising the gospel message, and truly representing Jesus and the truth of His Word. Check them out on their website if you want more info about them.

Shalom, sister Lahoma

Friday, January 21, 2011

He is "Everything" To Me

Our Friday Devotion comes to us from Council Member, Char:

Since last Sunday's service, a song that Dawn must have picked especially for me has been on my heart ever since. It seemed to set the tone for everything that transpired during the entire Church service, which was wonderful. There was just a sense that the "spirit" of the Lord had inhabitated our tiny little Church that is a "harbor of grace" (and love and mercy) for so many people.

By now, you've probably figured out the song I'm talking about. It describes with perfection what our God should be for all of us. This week, in particular, has been an extremely difficult one for me and my family, and somehow, this song continued to come into my heart and offer me that peace that only He can give.

You know why? I do. I have peace BECAUSE - - -

He's my COMFORT;
He's my HEALER;
He's my SHELTER;
He is EVERYTHING to me.

I have always tried to think of myself as a person who is positive minded and not prone to give in to a defeatest -type attitude. But, with that being said, I also realize that there are times when things going on around us seem overwhelming and it's hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm happy to say that this song kept coming back to me, over and over, this week. I'm giving all praise, and glory, and honor to Him who created me, Jesus Christ, My Lord and Saviour. As the song sung to Him says - - - "You brought me out of darkness, picked me up when I was down. You touched me, gave me another view, then You turned me around. You are always there to hear my prayer, and Your peace You give to me. I can call your name for Your Word proclaims, YOU WILL BE EVERYTHING that I need."

Isn't it really true that that He is everything that we need? When it's all said and done, who else do we know that has all of these attributes and stands ready to share them with us each and every minute of each and every day of our lives? There's a pretty annoying expression that you've probably heard that says something "is to die for", usually being spoken about "a dessert", or "a car", or "a favorite meal", and the list goes on. When I hear that expression, I often think, "Are they serious?" Is that really worth dying for? What is worth dying for? Our God believed that we were worth His Son dying for us. For that, we should all be so grateful and make Him EVERYTHING to us, by reading, living, and sharing His Word daily.

Thank you Dawn for sharing the inspiration for my devotional this week, and Thank You Jesus for being everything that I needed this week. Wishing each of you a very blessed weekend. If you don't have a Church home to worship, you should know that you are always welcome at our harbor of grace on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.

In Him, Charlotte

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Mark 7:8 "You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men."

Jesus says this to the Pharisees and in prior verses calls them hypocrites, and quotes Isaiah who said that there will be people who will merely pay 'lip-service' to God, but their hearts are far from Him. Isaiah prophesied that their worship would be in vain and their teachings would be just rules taught by men. It is not always easy to separate religion from faith. God's plan is not often fulfilled by what the practices of the church become. Here are some tough questions to ask yourself. Is what you believe just rules of what to do and not do? Is you worship just going through the motions? Is your faith just talk and no action? Is Church just what we always do because that is just what we've always done?

Tradition has its place and value. Being untraditional or contemporary for the sake of that is not a solution to the meaninglessness that creeps into church. Christianity does though have to be careful not to become “churchianity.” What Jesus was talking about He illustrated many times. Often speaking in parables He focused over and over again on the human tendency to drift away from the personal relationship with God through Christ and to just do religion for the sake of being religious. Again in the words of Isaiah the prophet that Jesus quotes...." their hearts are far from me". Wow, that is probably the key measure for us to consider. Where is your heart?

When our hearts are seeking Him and when our hearts are connected to the meaning and purpose of what we believe, then true religion is taking place. Religion is not bad; it just has to really mean something true and real. Again, traditions are not bad in and of themselves; they just can't replace the personal relationship with God through Christ. I think at the heart of this heart question is the answer to what Jesus was expressing concern about. Search your heart. Ask God if you are really maturing in Him and if you are in His will. Ask Him if there is anything He wants you to do or not do. Study His teaching. Ask Him what your action items are. Lately I am feeling myself drawn to the Words of Jesus. The whole Bible is obviously valuable, but there is something about what He said.

I think His counsel to us today would be to seriously consider our hearts. He would encourage us to let go and let God more. He would tell us to focus on His commands such as 'having no other gods before Him' or to 'love one another' or to 'serve Him with your whole heart'. What would happen if we stepped into all God Has created us to be? Let me conclude with four little truths about Him and one final encouragement. This is Jesus as I know Him personally.

He is good
His name is faithful and true
He can be trusted
He will be with you

Take courage,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why We Are Allowed to Live

Genesis 2:7 "Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; He breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live." (GNT)

Ever wonder why we are here? Or, why we are still here? I do. Must be a reason or purpose. As best I can tell, we are supposed to live. God took some dirt and fashioned the first man, Adam, and breathed the breath of life into him and ever since then, human beings have been living. The Bible also says that in Him, 'we live and move and have our being'. Without God there is no life. Hey, without God there is nothing, and frankly theologically speaking, there isn't even that. Wow, that can give you a pause to think for a moment.

So what do we do with this life we have? Seems to me we ought to do something appreciative and meaningful. After all, that seems like the appropriate response to being brought into existence. A long time ago I remember singing a song from the hymnbook that spoke of what to do and how to respond to the breath that God breathes into us. So with every breath I take I am reminded that I am here for a purpose and reason and that it matters what I do. The words to this hymn still ring true with me today. Hope they ring true with you today too.

Breathe on Me, Breath of God

Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure,
Until with thee I will one will, to do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, till I am wholly Thine,
Until this earthly part of me glows with Your fire divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shall I never die,
But live with Thee the perfect life of Thine eternity.

These sweet, poetic 'old-timey' words say something very significant to my heart. In my teens when I first met Jesus, and first learned this song, the fervor of my faith resonated so deep with zeal in my heart, that all truth, however stated, was like food to my soul. I still get 4 distinct messages from these stanzas.

1. I need to be renewed to do His will.

2. I need to surrender to Him daily to do His will.

3. I need to mature spiritually in order to do His will more effectively.

4. I need to start living for Him eternally now, that is His will.

I want to do the will of God. I think if we are serious at all about our faith and relationship with Christ that this thought must come to us often. When it does, we must respond. Maybe if we did think of Him every time we took a breath it would help. Hopefully we don't need to stop breathing in order to consider it seriously. Just a thought. Now, breathe in the Breath of God until your heart is pure, until you want His will and are willing to endure.

In His Service with you,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Forgiveness Smells Like

Luke 23:34 "Jesus said, 'Forgive them Father for they don't know what they are doing.'"

One of my absolute all-time favorite sayings goes as follows:

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the foot that crushed it."

This quote from an unknown source is a perfect example of Christ's sacrifice on the cross because of our sins. What a graphic picture of what He accomplished with the greatest act of forgiveness ever. We were the beneficiaries of His unconditional gift of love, and yet it is so difficult for us to forgive. We are all encouraged by scripture to forgive others because we have been forgiven, but somehow we find it very hard to let go of the sins and offenses of others.

Some time ago, I was walking into a restaurant with a friend of mine who was talking a-mile-a-minute to me, and the last thing I heard her say, before I heard the crunch under my foot, was "Why look, there is a stinkbug." I immediately felt horrible because, as I looked down toward my feet, indeed what was left of poor Mr.Stinkbug was a wriggling mess of squashed pieces and legs, and it was then I got a whiff of where he got his name. Seeing that there was no hope to help him to safety or restore him in any way, I put him out of his misery and apologized to my friend for not being able to respond to her warning sooner. My friend was many years my senior and very experienced in how to handle embarrassing moments and said, "Well, there was nothing you could have done and it is best that you took care of him, so he wouldn't suffer." I still felt bad and tried once again to explain my honest sorrow that I had inadvertently destroyed one of God's creations. She then smiled and assured me that, in the bigger picture, she appreciated my heartfelt remorse, and that someday I would use the illustration. That stinkbug was not the most beautiful thing ever created nor was its scent the most delightful, yet I had more tangible feelings about it than I did about my sin that caused Jesus so much pain on the cross.

Since that experience I have given thought many times to the price of my sin and the wonderful forgiveness I have received because of what Christ did. I have actually become more forgiving and more thoughtful of others again recently and more careful of my step and more aware of where I am stepping. By doing so, I'm sure I have avoided a number of other inadvertent catastrophes and near misses I was probably not even aware of at the time.

Isn't this just like us, though? We become reckless and callous about the effects of what we do, and we carelessly bring unnecessary destruction on God's creation, especially people. I don't know whether that bug forgave me, (I sincerely doubt he could) but I do know that God does forgive me for my sins of carelessness and omission. This truth gives me great hope because I truly desire not to be much trouble. When we forgive others, including ourselves, we are released from the chains of regret, bitterness and dismay.

Give and receive forgiveness easily and often. This will remind you of His great gift to you and help to keep you in perspective and walking in grace. I hope this little illustration helps you as the family of God to forgive each other.

Watch your step, (uhhh, and your words?)

Pastor Fred

Monday, January 17, 2011

Go the Distance

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter (finisher) of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

I recently had the opportunity to run in the Orange County Half Marathon, a twisting and turning route that travels through the industrial parts of Irvine near Sand Canyon and Barranca Parkway. It was a nice cool day for a run, and despite the fact that through the holidays I had not had much time to get any training runs in, I decided to go ahead and participate in the event. I got up in the wee hours of the dark morning, went through my pre-race disciplines, put on my TEAM 413 shirt that has the bold scripture on the back of it from Philippians 4:13…reminded myself that I CAN do ALL THINGS through Christ Who gives me strength… laced up my shoes and drove over to the starting line location with my oatmeal and coffee in hand. I didn’t see anyone else at the starting line with a TEAM 413 shirt on, so I happily figured that God had sent me there to be a testimony that day to other runners and walkers, and I was excited to once again have an opportunity to share my faith with others. However, as the miles began to increase, I started to notice that at several places along the route, there were MANY switchback opportunities to cut across to the other side and shave off miles from the 13.1 distance. In most races, there are places you need to run across with your timing chip to show you completed all the areas of the race, but in this race I knew there were none of these checkpoints, so in reality no one would actually KNOW if you ran the full distance or not. Normally, this would not even be an issue for me, but because I had not prepared fully for this race, and my legs were starting to remind me of WHY you need to do more consistent weekly long runs to prepare…. I must confess that the temptations started to tug at my mind as I began to get physically and mentally weary of the race. The GOOD NEWS is that as each assault came to cheat, I was reminded of the scripture message that was on my shirt and I realized what a poor testimony I would be to those running behind me if they saw a “Christian” run to the other side and cut the race short and get a medal for not running the full distance. Perhaps a person was behind me that was an unbeliever, what if my actions would cement their opinion that all Christians were fakes, and what if my stupid and selfish actions kept someone from spending eternity with God. I kept hearing the Spirit of God over and over again quoting Hebrews 12:1 to my mind, (our devotion verse for today). I WAS surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, who would “witness” my actions whether they were honorable or hypocritical. What if someone needed to see the message on my back as an encouragement to keep running, only to watch me run over to the other side and NOT do all things through Christ but through my own flesh as I did not run the race marked before me. God’s Spirit “ran” with me for the ENTIRE race and I am here to say (as God is my witness) that I finished the race, I ran the full distance, and I raised my hands at the end and glorified God for reminding me to be true and faithful to HIS WORD as His ambassador.

Isn’t life like this at times? We start our races strong, but as in a marathon, life is a LONG endurance event, certainly not a sprint. The devil will come at you and try to convince you to take shortcuts, he tries to convince you that no one will know, and that we should take the easy way out when we are faced with decisions that mean we have to persevere and follow a tough race route that God has put in front of us. Our passage today reminds us to “fix our eyes on Jesus”, HE is to be our focal point when times are tough. He is the One Who authored your faith, and He is the One Who will “perfect” or “Finish” it. The Greek word here for “Perfector” is also used in photography when someone would place a negative in the chemicals and wait until the images became visible on the blank paper. God has already taken the snapshot of His Plan for your ENTIRE life, we just need to persevere and allow Jesus to “Perfect” it, to bring it to completion, to allow it to be seen before our eyes and the eyes of the world. Paul reminds us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, people who are watching to see what is different in those who claim to be CHRISTians…. Can they see it in you? I challenge you to prayerfully remember that you are a witness one way or another.. either to bring glory to the name of Jesus or shame. Your actions, your words, your decisions, your choices, your disciplines (or lack of them) testify to whether Christ is alive and working in and through you. Take your opportunity and use it to glorify God in ALL areas of your life-race. Run strong, run faithfully, don’t cut corners, don’t listen to the devil when he tries to hinder you or entangle your feet as you run.

I wish I could tell you that as you get older and more mature in your walk with God that you are immune to temptation and sin, but this is sadly not the case. The devil is relentless until the day we die (if we have put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior), then we are completely set free from that possibility and are joined with God for eternity in heaven, Halleluiah! Our women’s bible study group recently finished our 5 month study of the life of David, a man after God’s own heart, and his life, all the way to the end, was filled with tragic stories of his failure to make the right choices in his personal and private life. And yet, God forgave Him, restored him and had an intimate relationship with him all the days of his life. I share my story with you today to encourage you to KEEP RUNNING your race, and allow the Holy Spirit to rest on you and lead you and guide your and REMIND you that you ARE representing Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

Shalom, sister Lahoma

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Bible - Our Greatest Source of Wisdom

Our Friday Devotion comes to us from Council Member, Dolly:

On Monday many of us will take time to remember Martin Luther King, Jr. during the commemoration of his birth. Dr. King is revered by many Americans because of the work he did for human and civil rights. Have you taken the time to consider whether Dr. King was someone who should be honored? We should consult the Bible when we consider such things:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Let’s test some well know quotes from Dr. King by consulting our greatest source of wisdom, God’s word.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Eph. 6:12-13

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isa. 42:16
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matt. 5:43-44

“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways [shall be] made smooth; And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Luke 3:5-6

I just want to do God's will. And he's allowed me to go to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people: "Keep all these commands that I give you today. When you have crossed the Jordan into the land the Lord your God is giving you, set up some large stones and coat them with plaster. Write on them all the words of this law when you have crossed over to enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the Lord, the God of your fathers, promised you.” Deut. 27:1-3

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Eph. 6:18

I believe Dr. King did his best to live a Christian life and to show God’s love to all. We may never reach the fame that Dr. King reached, but we can all do something to make someone else’s life better. As we focus on loving others this year, let’s remember to consult our guide book, God’s Holy Word, for instruction.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:7-12

Consult God's Word for all things,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Have Complete Happiness

John 3:27-30 "John (the Baptist) answered, 'No one can have anything unless God gives it.' You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, 'I am not the Messiah, but I have been sent ahead of Him.' 'The bridgegroom is the one to whom the bride belongs; the the bridegroom's friend, who stands by and listens, is glad when he hears the bridegrooms's voice.' 'This is how my own happiness is made complete.' 'He must become more important while I become less important.'"

John the Baptist in this passage is responding to a comment made to him by some who were following his teachings and the baptism for repentance and were letting him know that Jesus was teaching and many people were following Him. He, in effect, is saying that the reason people are following Jesus is because that is what God the Father wants and is giving that response to the Christ. John then reiterates his position that he is not the Messiah, but points to the Messiah. Then he gives this beautiful illustration about how he is the bridegroom's friend and that all those who follow are the bride and therefore he is doing just as the Lord wants...... pointing the way and serving His Lord.

The words that are part of the title of today's devotional resonate with me. Complete happiness is made complete when people see Jesus. Inscribed on many pulpits that I have preached from are the simple words, "Sir, we would see Jesus." Good counsel. Those who truly serve Him do not do so to draw attention to themselves but to point to Jesus. I am happiest when that happens. When anyone is drawn closer to Him by the ministry He has called me to, I am happiest. Absolutely I would say that my joy is complete only at those times. Throughout our lives we must become less important as He becomes more important.

So here is the question of the day. Do you want complete happiness, total joy and absolute fulfillment? Serve the Lord. Point to Him. Become less so He can become more. Be glad when you hear His voice. Help Him to be one with His Bride. The beautiful illustration that John the Baptist shares with us is one that paints a picture of total surrender to God's will. When we are willing to give our lives completely to the service of the Lord, there is a happiness like no other that will fill our hearts.

As a shepherd or pastor I love the sheep. But they are His sheep. I am His sheep too. As pastor we don't own, possess or hold any power or sway over His flock. We merely serve Him and are happiest when believers draw closer to Christ. Soooooo...... not only is it not about the pastor, it is not about one particular church either. All pastors point to Him, wherever the sheep go, as long as they call Him Lord, that is a good thing. I am blessed to be the pastor of Grace Harbor Church and I want to serve the bridegroom in any way I can to make His relationship with His bride possible. May you draw even closer to Him. That would make me completely happy.

For Him,
Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

They Will Know Us By Our Love

John 13:33 "If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples."

When we are not loving to one another as believers it is the worst hypocrisy. God is love. He sent His only Son to save us because of His love for us. He then commanded us to love one another. We say in our minds that you can't make people love each other. Love is not some magic feeling that wells up inside us and spills mysteriously over onto people. Love is a choice. I don't love because I feel anything in particular. I love because God loves. He gives me love to share. He loves through me. I love that.

It is a biblical mandate that we must love one another. Scores of times in the teachings of Jesus and throughout the Word of God, we are told that we should love one another. Plain and simple. Get over your emotions and do something about being loving. Can you love just because it is the right thing to do? Sure you can. Love is not a matter of preference or something that is supposed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Love is unconditional commitment and devotion. It is a verb that needs to be expressed from choice. When I choose to love, that is special because no one has to earn it. Neither do I have to earn it.

Granted, it is easier to love some than others. But we are not talking about ease, we are talking about commitment. I am committed to this ministry, to my marriage, to my principles out of love, not because it is easy. Love doesn't have to be rewarding or fun. We shouldn't expect reciprocation or mutuality. It is truly unconditional and no strings attached. Different than the overwhelming majority of games we play with our emotions and feelings.

Love is words, but not only words. Love is action, but must be genuine and sincere. Sounds more and more difficult doesn't it? Love is an opportunity to glorify God. Love is a free gift. Love is real. We have so romanticized and fantasized and emotionalized love that we have put ourselves in the position of not knowing how to share it. So we don't. We either 'like' or 'don't like' instead. Like ice cream flavors. Love means the sum total of grace and mercy together. God is love because He is the sum total of all that is good. Ask God's help to love. He knows how and can teach you how to love. Begin with Him, then yourself, like He loves you and then others like He loves you.

I hope we can be more loving. A good starting point is to stop being unloving. You know...... unkind, rude, mean, gossipy, cruel, harsh and generally not nice. I am going to make a concerted effort to love more and be unloving less. How about you? Will you join me in making this verse a reality in our lives? After all, they will know we are Christians by our love, and it was Jesus himself who asked us. He surely loves us enough to ask. Can't really be a disciple unless we try harder.

With His Love and Mine,
Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Greetings From Around The World"

2 Corinthians 13b "All of God's people send you their greetings."

After ten days in the Caribbean I have volumes of stories and illustrations about the people there and folks who cruise and the crew of the Celebrity Mercury. As we traveled we were struck by just how many Christians there are everywhere. We, of course are very much open and sensitive to spotting believers, but I am talking about a boldness that was fresh and compelling. This particular cruise out of Baltimore took two days cruising just to get to the Caribbean. The first port we went to was Labadee, Haiti. Not at all what I was hoping or expecting.

The resort of Labadee is owned by Royal Caribbean and in partnership with Celebrity Cruises they have built a beautiful beach resort with many attractions, activities, shops, restaurants and ways to spend money. It was not like really going to Haiti and we met very few Haitians there. But we did have an opportunity to meet a few vendors who evidently were allowed to set up shop in an area that if were say at Disneyland it would have been called "Haitiland". Almost all of the items for sale seemed to be very mass produced and the shopkeepers were just employees of the resort.

We decided to do something outside the box. We struck up conversation with two young men and asked them if they had any Haitian money on them. They laughingly said yes and showed it to us. You could tell it had little or no value because they were joking about the different coins and bills and how meaningless they were. (I am sure the money was completely devalued and almost worthless) We asked if we could buy their money with American money. They were overjoyed. We payed them more than full value of the money so Dawn could give all her students coins from Haiti. The coins are more beautiful than ours and were inscribed with the words, 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity'. Wow, did that speak volumes to me. In very poor French I awkwardly communicated to them the beauty of these words, their meaning and my Christian perspective on Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.

One young man in particular who had dug deep in his pocket to find more of the matching coins we wanted said to me as we parted, "God bless you and your people." That would be you. Out of sincere gratefulness and appreciation he sent blessings and greetings to you through me. I think that is important. We had an understanding about who we were, what we were doing, why we were doing it and the meaning of the words on the Haitian coins. I remember his smile. We both knew that the value was in the transaction not the goods it was in the freedom to do what was really equal because of brotherhood. Indeed, 'all of God's people do send each other greetings', from around the world.

I hope this story touches you heart with a sense of a Biblical Worldview. We are part of the family of believers around the world. Whether they are poor in Haiti, persecuted in the Middle East, human trafficked in Southeast Asia or lonely in Europe, we are brothers and sisters in the same Christ. I am closer to that young man in Labadee than I am to people just like me who don't know the Lord.

One little postscript note from Haiti. During a taxi ride in a different port, a man that we rode with for a few miles said that in Labadee they had a similar impression as us of the situation and that his wife had bought a pair of sandals from a woman in an isolated little shop, put those sandals on then gave her new shoes that she was wearing to the woman. Tears followed and hugs too. We need to keep thinking outside our boxes so God can work through us more.

So blessed to be a blessing,
Pastor Fred

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wise Men Came to Worship the King

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.” Matthew 2:1-2, 7-12

“We three kings of orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar, Field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star….” Just when you thought it we had finished all of our Christmas carols, today’s devotion will address one final aspect of the Christmas season. The arrival of the WISE MEN! The famous American carol “We three Kings of Orient Are” was written in 1857 by Rev. John Henry Hopkins, and usually is included in our consideration of what the manger scene included on the night of our Savior’s birth, however it is a common misconception that three wise men visited Jesus at the stable on the night of His birth. Keep in mind that the scriptures never identified only three kings or wise men visiting the Christ Child, but according to an old church legend, there were three kings named Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar who followed a bright star, followed it to Bethlehem and found there the Christ child. In fact, the actual wise men came days, months, or possibly even years later. That is why Matthew 2:11 says the wise men visited and worshiped Jesus in a house, not at the stable. They must have traveled several months and years to arrive in Bethlehem to worship and honor the unknown newborn king. Imagine their surprise when they found themselves facing Mary, Joseph and Jesus! They also gave extremely unusually AND extravagant gifts if you consider that one was not usually available to commoners (Gold), one was extremely valuable and only used for incenses in the priestly duties of the temple (frankincense), and the third was used for burial services to preserve a dead body (myrrh).

Lovers of Christmas carols are probably also familiar with another traditional holiday song that is historically associated with the wise men, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, a rather lengthy and difficult memory assignment for singers to remember all the verses which are packed with golden rings, calling birds and various kinds of gentry, musicians and domestic workers. So what does this song refer to… are there 12 days of Christmas? Not just December 25? Church history shows us that for centuries church calendars in the East and the West have agreed that there are twelve days of Christmas and they begin on Christmas Day and end on January 6. Realistically we know that Jesus was probably not born on December 25th It wasn't until A.D. 440 that the church officially proclaimed December 25 as the birth of Christ. The Bible itself tells us that December 25 is an unlikely date for His birth. Palestine is very cold in December. It was much too cold to ask everyone to travel to the city of their fathers to register for taxes. Also the shepherds were in the fields (Luke 2:8-12). Shepherds were not in the fields in the winter time. They are in the fields early in March until early October. This would place Jesus' birth in the spring or early fall. It is also known that Jesus lived for 33.5 years and died at the feast of the Passover, which is at Easter time. He must therefore have been born six months the other side of Easter - making the date around the September/October time frames.

The twelve days of Christmas have traditionally ended with the Feast of Epiphany also called "The Adoration of the Magi", celebrated on January 6, and also known as the day of the Three Kings (or wise men/magi). January 6, the last of the 12 days of Christmas, comes with its own traditions, rituals and symbols. Carolers go from house to house; in many homes the Christmas tree is taken down and in some areas is burnt in a big bonfire. For the children this is an especially joyous occasion because, associated with taking down the tree goes the "plündern" (raiding) of the tree. The sweets, chocolate ornaments wrapped in foil or cookies, which have replaced the sugar plums, are the raiders' rewards. On the evening before Three Kings, traditionally there were prayers, blessed dried herbs would be burnt and their aromatic smell would fill the house. The master of the house would then write with chalk C + M + B and the year above the house and barn door. C + M + B has traditionally been translated with Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, however, according to later Latin traditions it stood for "Christus Mansionem Benedictat" (Christ bless this home).

All of this to simply say, God provided one more way to confirm the supernatural arrival of His Son, the Messiah. Jesus quietly came to this earth in the form of a tiny human baby in a tiny city named Bethlehem, and although the prophets had foretold every detail down to the very date and place, God didn’t want anyone to miss it, including the wise men of that day. Father God lined up the constellations at that pinpoint moment in time as if the very finger of God was pointing down on that location on the earth at that very moment. It brings me great peace and JOY to know that even though I may not have been there when the wise men arrived, I too can worship at the feet of Jesus and give thanks that He came. I too can present my gifts to Him even today….

My gold in offerings,
my frankincense in worship, and
my life to Him as a sacrifice.

Shalom, sister Lahoma

Friday, January 7, 2011

Loving Others

I John 4:11 “Dear friends since God so loved us we also ought to love one another.”

The commands to love God, love ourselves and love others are individually important but intertwined. We love God because of who He is. We love ourselves because of what He did for us on the cross. We love others in the same way, because of what He did for them. I have a little exercise that I use when leading groups on the subject of loving each other, and I'd like to share it with you.

When asked to love others, picture what God thinks of them instead of what you think or feel about them. If the mental picture is not enough, then stick out your arm like you have it around someone's shoulder and picture the person you should be loving there. Sometimes when we do this, it feels uncomfortable because we do find it hard to love each other. The next step, while your arm is sticking out around your imaginary person, is to ask God what He thinks of him. For example, the conversation might go like this, (picture my arm around someone imaginary):

“God, this is Hank", (not really, but it is a good name to use as an example). “How do you feel about him? Give me the strength and compassion to think of Hank as you do."

This is not at all easy to do! (not particularly because Hank is the example either) When I have done this, I sometimes drop my arm because I find it hard to be honest when I have my arm around somebody. Also, when I am before God asking questions, I find it harder to complain about anybody.

I suggest this exercise with your church family. Start with someone who is easy to love and then try someone who is harder. You'll be surprised at the results. I want to encourage you to love others in word and indeed. It is easier to say something nice than to do something nice. One of the most loving things we can do is just simply encourage each other.

Would you agree with me that some people are a lot easier to love than others? I believe that when we pray for people, we are loving them, even when we pray for our enemies. God's love is unconditional. He loves everybody, and He'll help us love everyone, even if they seem unlovable. If you struggle with this concept and the actions I have recommended, maybe you are really struggling with loving God or yourself...something to consider. I sometimes must forgive someone before I can love them or accept their forgiveness.

Loving one another glorifies God. I think He would appreciate our best effort in this area. It is so easy in one sense, yet so very difficult in another. I figure, if Jesus died for someone, they must be redeemable and lovable.

His love and mine,
Pastor Fred

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Staying in Spirit

Our Devotion today comes to us from Council Member, Alan:
Matthew 2:11 "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh."

January 6th is celebrated in many places as "Three Kings Day" when the Magi, almost certainly not kings, visited the one "born king of the Jews" in Bethlehem. Contrary to popular belief, the Magi were not present at the Nativity and may have arrived up to 2 years after the birth of Jesus. This waiting period is often observed as the 12 days following Christmas.

I'm sure most of you have heard the traditional carol about The 12 Days of Christmas...I must admit I can only make it to 5 Golden Rings before needing a song sheet. Then again most people don't make it 5 days before Christmas is over for them. So when does Christmas end for you? Is it after opening presents? How about after coming home from friends and family? Most the decorations in my neighborhood were gone the day after New Years.

I think we should hold on a little longer, marveling at the miracle of His birth, and not allow ourselves to be pushed into the next holiday so soon just because the Valentine displays are up. Then next year maybe we won't be so eager to declare the end of the season. We might even enjoy staying in spirit enough to have Christmas in July! What if we could maintain our joy of meeting Jesus for an entire year or more like the Magi? Doesn't that seem something worth striving for...I believe so.

Hmmmm...The 12 Months of Christmas...has a nice ring to it!

Staying in Spirit,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Take the Time with God’s People

Luke 1:56 "Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home."

Sometimes Scripture reveals truth and meaning even in the minor details. I have been studying the Bible for a long time, but it never ceases to amaze me the interesting insights you can gain from reading the same passage again and again. Recently I used the encounter of Mary (pregnant with baby Jesus at the time), and Elizabeth (pregnant with John the Baptist at the time), as an illustration of joy. When they met up, Mary's baby leaped in her womb in recognition of Elizabeth's baby. That all makes sense to me, but as I was rereading this passage I realize that immediately after this encounter two very significant things happen. One, Mary sings or recites this beautiful song or poem that in traditional terms is referred to as the Magnificent. I hadn't put it together that these events were related conversationally. Elizabeth says to Mary, "Why am I so favored that the mother of my lord should come to me?" Wow, that she knew that, blows me away. Amazing. Then Mary shares the wonderful words of humility, subservience and revelation. Beautiful words, meaningful encounter and very special moment in History.

What is said next is the verse for our devotional today. Simple words of information, but they reveal a principle that is so important to us today. Mary stays with Elizabeth for about three months and then returns home. I'm sure they were helpful to one another in pregnancy. I gather that they were unusually close, especially after the encounter. I also can figure that they needed to debrief just a little. Think about it. Maybe debrief for about a day or two or week? But three months? Here is my thought today. I can't relate, because I don't do very many things in a three month window. I work a lot on weekly responsibilities, some monthly and also some on long range planning, like envisioning 6 months or more down the pike. Three months is a strange amount of time for me. I know this is 2,000 years ago and there is a different culture and a way different technology or lack thereof. But I am picking up on a principle that is important.

Recently I spoke with a dear friend who told me that a grandbaby was to be born soon. My response was surprise because it just seemed that yesterday we were in long-range planning mode about the pregnancy. Well, time has been passing and 9 months has come and gone, so guess what? I just hadn't thought about it in about three months. A lot can, will and should happen in three months you know. Here is my point today. We think moment to moment pretty well and day to day best. Our weekly planning is pretty good also, as well as month at a time. And, frankly, we do some pretty decent annual planning. Quarterly planning is another subject altogether. I, for one, definitely need to think about getting from weekly survival planning to quarterly planning.

Mary and Elizabeth took a good chunk of time and redeemed it. They took the time necessary to prepare themselves together for one of the most important event in History. Time well spent I'm sure. Time to just be family. Time to think and talk about the impact of the babies they were carrying. I'm sure a lot of it was just being mothers together with something special in common. But I also think we could use some quarterly planning in our lives at Grace Harbor. I will be thinking and praying on these things and hoping you will too. God has a way of revealing to us truth from His Word even in indirect or related ways. I hope you got this application today. If it was only meant for me, it was worth it. Hopefully someone out there sees that we need to think about the intermediate periods of time too, and use them for redemptive purposes. May the Lord guide us in the moments, weeks, months and years and also the quarters too.

In His Service, Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

Everything in life can only be appreciated to the degree that we understand the value of it. When we truly acknowledge the cost of what salvation is it will bring the fullest measure of joy. A joy that will translate into doing whatever is necessary to acquire all that treasure has to offer. For example, if I am told that there is a book that contains all the meaning of the of thing that can bring you the greatest joy, wouldn't I make the acquisition of, reading and study of that book paramount in my life? Of course I would. That book is the Bible.

Additionally, if there was a system of communication that would assure me of constant contact with the person who made that treasure possible, and constant contact with the one who gave me that treasure, wouldn't I utilize that system on a regular basis? That system is called prayer. When we pray and study the Word we show appreciation for the one who gives us the greatest treasure. That is how we value the treasure and experience the joy of our salvation.

One final thought. When I have this treasure, value it, celebrate the joy of it and do whatever that is necessary to acquire the full value of it, one of the most important features of it is the compelling need to share it. When we are really saved and really have the greatest treasure we must tell everyone about what we found. For me, I must share my faith in order to value my faith and to experience my faith. It is no secret. I have found the greatest treasure, His name is Jesus and I must tell everyone about Him, what He has done for me and why I treasure that so much. Please ask me if you do not know about my treasure. It is the most wonderful thing I have ever found and the most valuable thing I have. I would love to share it with anyone who is looking for the greatest value.

In Him, Pastor Fred

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Family Never Ends

I John 5:11 And this is the testimony, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

The older I get, the more grateful I am for eternal life. The past few years have been difficult ones for my family. My Sister and my Dad died within two years of each other, I , lost my job after nearly 12 years, and my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with dementia and now lives with us. But through it all, we have become closer as a family, and we have learned so much about the depth of love God gives us through each other.

This year, for Christmas, I wanted to give something to my Mom that would comfort her with the truth that, even though my Sister and Dad are no longer with us here on earth, the family we have is an eternal one, and nothing, not even death, can take that away from us. So I began by collecting photographs containing my Sister and Dad for a collage. Then my amazing wife came up with a brilliant idea. She said, "Why don't you write a poem about family and put it in the middle of the collage?" And so I did just that. This Christmas, I hope you will be as blessed as I am by the experience of God's love shared with your family, and by the knowledge that the family of God never ends. Here is the poem. Merry Christmas, Everyone, and Happy Birthday, Jesus!

A Family Never Ends

A family begins, but a family never ends.
Across time and eternity, its loving reach extends.
It shapes who we are, and who we will become,
And reminds us with pride where we all came from.
It stays in our hearts no matter where we roam,
And provides us a place we can always call home.
God provides the love on which a family depends,
And since a family is love, a family never ends.

Love in Jesus,
