Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

Everything in life can only be appreciated to the degree that we understand the value of it. When we truly acknowledge the cost of what salvation is it will bring the fullest measure of joy. A joy that will translate into doing whatever is necessary to acquire all that treasure has to offer. For example, if I am told that there is a book that contains all the meaning of the of thing that can bring you the greatest joy, wouldn't I make the acquisition of, reading and study of that book paramount in my life? Of course I would. That book is the Bible.

Additionally, if there was a system of communication that would assure me of constant contact with the person who made that treasure possible, and constant contact with the one who gave me that treasure, wouldn't I utilize that system on a regular basis? That system is called prayer. When we pray and study the Word we show appreciation for the one who gives us the greatest treasure. That is how we value the treasure and experience the joy of our salvation.

One final thought. When I have this treasure, value it, celebrate the joy of it and do whatever that is necessary to acquire the full value of it, one of the most important features of it is the compelling need to share it. When we are really saved and really have the greatest treasure we must tell everyone about what we found. For me, I must share my faith in order to value my faith and to experience my faith. It is no secret. I have found the greatest treasure, His name is Jesus and I must tell everyone about Him, what He has done for me and why I treasure that so much. Please ask me if you do not know about my treasure. It is the most wonderful thing I have ever found and the most valuable thing I have. I would love to share it with anyone who is looking for the greatest value.

In Him, Pastor Fred

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