Monday, June 29, 2015

“Constantly Praying” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.” 2 Timothy 1:3

Year after year, I am more and more convinced that not only are many things not as they appear, they also are not as clear as I think I hear. Daily I must use every ounce of sensitive perception possible to figure out what is really going on and to determine the difference between appearance and reality. This is not ever totally accurate all the time, but it has saved me a boatload of misunderstanding. As sure as we must understand the context of people’s lives before concluding what they think or feel; even after they have spoken or written, texted, tweeted or posted, we must also study Scripture in context and prayerfully, without concluding too quickly. For example, when Paul is writing from a dungeon at this point, he is thankful despite his circumstances, reflective of his heritage, remembering his forefathers and still trying to serve the Lord writing letters though he is locked up. He is not bragging about his spirituality, he is coping and surviving. He says he is constantly remembering and praying, night and day, because he is isolated right now, not just under house arrest. Soon he will be beheaded by Nero and he is reminiscing and speaking from heartfelt tenderness, affection and sincerity. He is not only The Apostle Paul, he is also just a man who is doing the best he can to serve the Lord in the context of his real life and what he has been through, what he will do today and what he still has to face.

Just like you and me,
Pastor Fred

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