Monday, February 21, 2011

I Like The Boy Scouts

Proverbs 21:21 "He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, prosperity, and honor."

When I think of loyalty, automatically, my first thought is about Boy Scouts. The first word associated with scouts is “loyal”. I have always admired Boy Scouts, and though I have never been one, I have participated in several Eagle Scout Ceremonies as a Pastor. So often today, we see disloyalty and divided loyalties. Disloyalty is obviously sinful, but divided loyalties are sometimes difficult to see, especially if you are the one divided.

Have you ever seen the proverbial situation where someone has one foot on the boat and the other foot on the dock? If the poor individual stuck in such a predicament does not decide soon, they will always ends up in the water. Scripture says you cannot serve God and the world at the same time. If you do, you’re all wet. Choose this day whom you shall serve. We all make choices every day between right and wrong, and even though we think we can keep our balance with divided loyalties, it always leads to disaster.

In our church family, it is painful to watch someone make bad decisions, or even no decision, which often means that “not to choose is to choose”. I’d like to pose three situations for your consideration. Each could lead to some serious consequences and considering them now could save some heartache in the future.

If your brother or sister in Christ was involved in drugs, should your loyalty be...
a) to protect their secret?
b) to speak the truth to protect them?
c) to avoid conflict to protect yourself?

If someone puts you down for being a Christian, should you...
a) take it like a martyr?
b) put them down for not being a Christian?
c) speak the truth in love?

If you hear that someone is planning to hurt themselves or someone else, should you...
a) mind your own business?
b) call 911 no matter what?
c) tell someone else trusted and take their counsel?

In all situations, there are some exceptions to total loyalty in cases of emergency or dangerous misunderstandings, but it is always best to do what Jesus would do. Tell the truth, speak it in love, and talk to each other as Believers about everything. Remember, our first loyalty is to our first love, Christ. Always be loyal to Him above all.

In Him, Pastor Fred

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