Monday, August 31, 2015


"Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22

I came to the Lord young, and with my whole heart. I would not be being honest if I said I don't miss those days. The days of “The Jesus Movement” and the 60's. I am reminded of the words of a Simon and Garfunkel song which said...."Time it was and what a time it was, a time of innocence, a time of confidences. Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph, preserve your memories, they're all that's left you."

Friday, August 28, 2015

"KNOWING AND TRUSTING" Devotion by Council Member, John Adams

As a church, we have been continuing to emphasize the critical importance of “knowing” the Word of God (i.e., the Bible) and actually living our lives based upon its absolutely reliable Truths.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy 2:20-21

When we study the Bible it teaches us principles that can be applied and appropriated in more than one way. For example, the illustration of the house in this passage can refer to the church or the individual. The principle of “cleaning house” is good for the church and the individual. When we “clean house”, which we need to do regularly and also do deep cleaning when it is necessary, the good stuff will remain and the bad stuff has to go. The house, when it is cleansed of all the ignoble stuff, can be more useful for God’s purposes. God sometimes uses us even when we are not completely clean, but He uses the instrument, whether it is an individual or a church, most effectively when it is clean.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” 2 Timothy 2:19b

All true followers of Christ have confessed the name of the Lord and are not “Christians” in name only. When I confessed the name of the Lord I accepted His forgiveness and knew that the sin that separated me from Him was hung on the cross and bled for. Jesus did something for me that I could not do for myself. He became the perfect sacrifice for all sin, all of mine, all of yours, all of everybody’s. Not just in that moment on the cross, but for all of history past, present time and all time future. Quite an amazing and overwhelming accomplishment I think. The most important feat ever completed. Just imagine, with one act of total commitment Christ forgave all sin and put in motion the following actions that conquered death and totally crippled the devil’s capability to mess with saved humans without their permission. Wowie! That is so huge that I do not have words to express it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription; ‘The Lord knows those who are his”… 2 Timothy 2:19a

Even though there are those who are getting it wrong and nobody is getting it completely right, you can count on the fact that God’s solid foundation stands firm. Amen! We put our faith in Him; not churches or pastors or other books or tradition or anything else. And…. in the final analysis He will know who are His and who are not. So we do not need to pass any final judgement on that. We probably express more opinion about who is in and out than is needed or helpful. Though folks are misled and get into cults, we don’t need to do anything more than stick to the truth and do that in love, and protect everyone from straying as much as possible. See, Paul has a strong opinion about heretics, but even he leaves the final say on the fate of everyone. We should do the same. I know it is tempting to lump big groups of people together and condemn them, but it is not our job. Judgement and vengeance both belong to the Lord. Although this is true we must remain true and vigilant about straying from His Word and Him. Of course the only ways to do that are to study it and understand what it says.

Monday, August 24, 2015

"FAITH DESTROYERS" Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some.” 2 Timothy 2:18b

The ‘they’ in this verse is referring specifically to the two heretics in the previous verse, Hymenaeus and Philetus. Paul mentions Hymenaeus in 1 Timothy 1:20 where he pairs him up with Alexander and says that he basically had handed them both over to satan. I know these are serious words. It must have been some serious heresy.
Each of us is obviously responsible for our own faith. But, those who cause others to doubt or stumble or stray are spoken of with words like Jesus said…. “It would be better for them if a great mill stone were hung around their neck and they were tossed in the ocean.”

So what is the teachable point here in the end of this verse? Destroying anyone’s faith or even attacking it is not ok. As a matter of fact it is unconscionable. Cults and false teaching are common. Many fall prey to all kinds of bad theology and doctrinal nonsense. Usually this happens because weak believers are not strong or firm enough in their own beliefs. We must be grounded and deep enough not to be led astray. Perhaps the greatest faith destroyer is our own shallow understanding. We believe anything if it works for us in the moment or someone is convincing enough. Hopefully you won’t fall prey to false teaching. Be careful what you believe. Check everything out in the Word of God. Talk to people you can really trust about what you hear being taught. If it sounds like it is off base, it may very well be. Protect yourself by studying and by asking God for discernment. Build your faith so it can’t be destroyed. Build it on a strong biblical foundation. Build your understanding precept on precept. If you don’t, do be wary of Hymenaeus and Philetus, they will destroy what little faith you may have.

Friday, August 21, 2015

“Put Love into Action” Devotion by Council Member Dolly Whitlock

In finishing an email to a friend I wanted to end with “XOXO” (hugs and kisses) as a short-hand way of signaling good thoughts and feelings. With a slip of the finger onto the wrong key, my “XOXO” became “SOSO”.

It struck me that love (affection, caring, and friendship) should not be “so-so”.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

“Gangrene” Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

"Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have wandered away from the truth." 2 Timothy 2:17-18

This verse is personal with me. The reason may surprise you if you don’t know my story. When I was five I had acute appendicitis that was undiagnosed, and my appendix ruptured. My father drove me to the hospital in the sheriff’s squad car with lights and sirens. From what I am told, gangrene had set in and I was close to death as I had emergency surgery in 1955. The advances in medicine have been wonderful, but back then I guess this was pretty miraculous that I pulled through that. Gangrene is a bad thing. Until today, I had never really researched it much. Gangrene is the infection that happens when there is no blood flow and tissue dies. The description of gangrene here, whatever it was called 2,000 years ago was probably even more serious than 1955. Gangrene is death.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

“Godless Chatter” Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.” 2 Timothy 2:16

Paul is quite intolerant of nonsense in general. He doesn’t pull any punches when addressing issues we deal with in the church. Timothy the young pastor must have loved getting his letters and being able to share them with the flock because they dealt with the touchy stuff. Avoid godless chatter is a kind, but direct way of telling people to shut up about a lot of stuff. Godly people shouldn’t be “talking crap” as I shared so eloquently in a recent sermon. Easy to say, not so easy to do. The constant drip and flood of ungodliness is almost unavoidable. We are surrounded by non-stop drivel. This is why we must counter the negative flow with lots of truth, godliness, and biblical principle. Avoidance is an easy task when we want to do it. We are actually quite creative about it. We can avoid people, paying bills, going to church, volunteering, and responsibility like they are the plague. Gossip or juicy stories or worldly media garbage, now that is not so easy. The reason we should avoid it is clear. Like the Word says, we indulge in it. As a matter of fact, we tend to be self-indulging. When we cave into the temptation to listen to godless chatter, we are overcome by it. Just can’t resist it. After all inquiring minds want to know, right? Honestly, it is not about the temptation because we make little or no effort to avoid it. Eventually we have become so immersed in worldliness, you know, worldly talk, worldly opinions, worldly attitudes, and worldly ways that we lose touch with any sense of resistance.

Monday, August 17, 2015

“A Workman Approved By God” Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of truth.”" 2 Timothy 2:15

This verse always reminds me of AWANA. AWANA as an acrostic stands for A Workman Approved, Not Ashamed. One of the fundamental principles of having a weekly children’s bible club is the study of God’s Word. We must study, and learn a hunger and appreciation for His Truth. Bible Study must be really hard, because I am convinced very few people really do it. Of course your enemy satan, will do anything to prevent or distract you from being in God’s Word. These words to Timothy to stand before God without excuse or shame about the Kingdom work and study of Scripture, that we are all commanded to do is daunting. I mean, how in the world can you tackle a huge project like reading or studying The Bible? Kinda like you would eat an elephant…. one bite at a time. Like you can consume a bag of chips or M&M’s…. just do it. Or how you can watch endless amounts of sports, news shows, or the famous “I usually only watch Discovery or History or National Geographic programs”. You get me right? We waste plenty of time. What I don’t have a few minutes for, I can’t do if given hours to get it accomplished. This is especially difficult with the world, the flesh, and the devil constantly whispering in my ear that I am just too busy, or overloaded, or tired, or whatever my lame excuse of the day might be. You do it too. So we must discipline ourselves, dedicate time, write devotionals, prepare sermons (I do have a bit of a necessitated advantage I know) but, beyond my job, I have to find even more time in His Word. A commitment is absolutely imperative for my well-being and spiritual growth. Otherwise I flounder and get tied in knots and am frustrated. My shame about my lack of discipline is my problem, no blaming anything or anyone else.

Friday, August 14, 2015

“Quarreling Over Words” Devotion by Pastor Fred Snider

“Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.” 2 Timothy 2:14b

For Paul to exhort Timothy to warn the people he is teaching ‘before God’ about quarreling about words are strong words in and of themselves. When we give someone a warning as though it comes straight from God it is, or at least should be, very serious. We live in a culture that plays with words, that twists words, and manipulates words constantly. Nothing is as it is said and everything can mean something else.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

“Reminders” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Keep reminding them of these things” 2 Timothy 2:14a

I have mixed feelings about reminders. I may actually have some issues with some hypersensitivity to being reminded of certain things. Timothy is reminded by Paul to keep reminding the flock about the things that he has taught. Reminding can be done without sounding like a nagging spouse or parent. Reminding one another in marriage of our love is vital. I am reminded just now of the man whose wife asked if he still loved her. He reminded her that he said so on the day he married her and if it changed he would let her know. Whoa, just a tad insensitive I think. But, at the other extreme to need to be reminded many times per day that you are loved, is a bit much I think. So, what should our attitude be about being reminded? I am sure you know that Jesus loves you. But I love to be reminded of that. Or, to be reminded that someone is there for you is certainly reassuring. On the other hand, to be reminded each day to take out the trash before you have even had a chance to is exasperating, isn’t it? So, how are you about reminders? The positive reminders are encouraging and the ones that point to our forgetfulness are not. We need to be reminded. I too often overreact to being reminded with the equally obnoxious, “I know, I know”. Hmm, I guess it depends on who is speaking and about what, eh? My counsel is to receive reminders graciously and to be careful not to nag about them. Also, be careful not to nag people who nag, they don’t like it either.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

“A Trustworthy Saying” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Here is a trustworthy saying, ‘if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will also disown us; if we are faithless He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself.’” 2 Timothy 2:11-13

This is believed to be an early hymn of the church. Not exactly a totally encouraging praise song. Nor is it an old-fashioned power and glory hymn. These words are very interesting. Slow down and read the words for content. Sing it just like you should during worship on Sunday morning. Try to speak the words like you believe them, like you mean them and like you are saying them to Him and acclaiming His truth with other believers. Try adding a little melody if that would help. I did. This early church hymn is talking to me today. Here are a few things I got from it, the more I sang the more it came to me.

1. Dying is a reality that cannot be avoided.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

“Being Other-Centered” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” 2 Timothy 2:10

Paul would say of this verse that this is what he does now. Even though he is imprisoned and in chains, he now endures with a purpose in mind. He is doing it for others, for believers and for those who are yet to believe. That is who the elect that he speaks of are, they are us. Paul is enduring for us. He is thinking outside his circumstance and beyond his time-frame to the much bigger picture. He knows his days are numbered. He knows that in time his faith will cost him his life. He now lives for others and for the purpose God has called him to, to spread the gospel and to share Jesus Christ with as many as possible. Paul is literally living for Jesus, for His name’s sake. Wow. What a beautiful commitment. Of course he doesn’t always do this perfectly and he struggles with his situation. But, he is always and quickly able to get back to the main point, living for Christ. Everything is about this. He wants to do all he can to make sure everyone else is given the grace he has received. He understands what a precious gift he has received and his sole goal is to share everything and endure everything that can lead to salvation. He would die for any one of us to live forever. What love, what commitment, what endurance, what a focus. He is looking forward and living right now as best he can is a wonderful example for us all. We would do well to consider his dedication and his heart for serving.
The only solution for being self-centered is being other-centered. This convicts me.I know I need to be more other-centered and to resist being self-centered.

Monday, August 10, 2015

“Chained and Not Chained” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s Word is not chained.” 2 Timothy 2:9

Paul’s gospel is two words. Those two words cannot be chained. You can lock Paul up put him in chains, beat him, take away his rights as a Roman citizen, make him suffer, isolate him, treat him like a common criminal, but you cannot chain his two word gospel. It is the same today as it was then. You can attack the Word of God, make fun of Believers, ridicule or mock the church, prosecute pastors for hate speech, and even outlaw being a Christian, but you cannot stop the two word gospel. What are those two words you ask? What words will every knee bow to eventually, what two words are the Alpha and Omega, the hope of all creation? Plain and simple, the two words are Jesus Christ. The Name above all names. The very Son of the Living God. Yes, Jesus Christ, those two words, that person, that Word that became flesh cannot be chained and cannot be stopped. Nothing can stop who He is, what He is and why He came. That is why we need to speak His Name. We must talk to Him and follow Him and spread His Name throughout the whole world. His name is Jesus Christ and long after Paul was done preaching and locked up and put to death because he spoke His Name, we are still talking about His Name today.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Devotion by Church Council Member, Patrice Parker

“I am the way and the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

The context of the passage is the Lord is having a conversation with the disciples and telling them not to be troubled. If you believe in God, believe also in me. That His Father’s house has many rooms, and that He (Jesus) will prepare a place for them and to be prepared to go with Him when He comes back.

That sums it up very succinctly and to the point. If we trust in and follow the Lord we will be with Him and the Father for eternity. Sounds fairly easy when you read it but we all know that sometimes the path that we walk with the Lord can be difficult.

When our path becomes rocky, our lives difficult, and things just seem to be going against what we have planned, we forget that the path that we should be walking is not the one we have planned for ourselves but the one that the Lord has planned for us. It’s easy to think that we are in charge, but the reality is that we are not. We should be asking the Lord to guide us and provide the answer we seek or to lead us to the path we should follow.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

“Jesus Christ” Devotion by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David.” 2 Timothy 2: 8

Always, always, always, we must remember Jesus Christ. Paul was reflecting about reflecting in the previous verse and then he says to remember that our focus and our Lord is Jesus Christ. He is central to our faith. He is the head of the Body of Christ. He is the first and last and cornerstone. Sometimes when we reflect we can forget the main thing. We should always be able to get back to basics. To make the main thing the main thing at all times. A good portion of Paul’s audience are converted Jews. They might start to think about Moses or reflect on Psalms or on David. So Paul makes a distinction between David and Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead, He resurrected, David didn’t. Moses didn’t either. Then Paul reminds them that although the Lord Jesus is above all, that He did descend from David’s line. Said perfectly, and so tactful too. God in His Word has a way through the bible authors of revealing His character in how He deals with sensitive subjects. He speaks the truth not only with authority, but out of love. This is not so easy for us to do. We want to lay down the law. The Law gives us room to judge and to exercise power. But, grace and Jesus, they fulfill The Law and The Prophets and the Church Fathers too. Verse 8 puts things into perspective. Christ first and pre-eminent in everything. Even in our wise Old Testament reflecting. Jesus being the only resurrected one means He has the power and the authority. He descended from David because that was His Father’s plan. Everything points to Jesus.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

“Reflect” Devotion by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.” 2 Timothy 2:7

Paul has just given a multi-faceted illustration of what it is to serve the Lord. He references examples of soldiers, athletes and farmers. As he closes this illustration he encourages us readers to reflect. So wise. So simple, but so wise. Oh how I wish I would have reflected more before deciding things in my life. Not just reflect, but if necessary retreat and reconsider. When we do, it is how the Lord gives us insight. Step back and as objectively as possible take a look from God’s perspective before you speak, act or even think much further. This is wise. I sense God wants to guide and direct us more, but we speak and act to quickly. Our reflections should also be more about what He says than what we think. It is God who knows what we should do and say. But, we must ask Him for His input and for His counsel.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


"The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops." 2 Timothy 2:6

Farming is a long-term process. When I was about 5 years old or so, I remember cutting potatoes and then with toothpicks suspending them in a jar of water so that they would grow. I checked them every hour, then several times the next day and then daily until I gave up. But, in time they sprouted and grew. Not quick enough for me, but they grew. Oh, they were getting ready to bud and bloom, I just couldn't see it. Seeing was believing. Everything takes time. I once planted carrots and dug them up way too soon; couldn't give it time. My children once were digging in the planter and brought me several tulip bulbs that they had discovered. They didn't even know or understand that those would be flowers if we left them in the fertile ground.
So much is happening by way of the Spirit, in His time that is so hard to wait for. Can you imagine waiting seasons for a harvest? The hardworking farmer gets this. He prepares the soil, plants, lets the water and the sunshine do their work... then he waits.

Monday, August 3, 2015


"Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes according to the rules." 2 Timothy 2:5

In case you can't relate to the soldier example, how about an athlete? Next verse he will try a farmer. Peter is also trying to be all things to all people, so he might reach a few. Whether a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker... it is the same. Discipline, obedience, diligence, hard work, endurance, subservience. All are virtues of those who follow and serve Christ.