Thursday, November 10, 2011


"Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia." Romans 16:5b

Do you remember your conversion? I would certainly hope so. Some of us have testimonies of coming to Christ that are complicated or drastic; most of us have testimonies of coming to Christ that are simpler or more common. Either way, those decisions were the most important ones of our lives.

In this verse, Paul is recalling an individual who was the first convert in Asia and sending greetings to him with fond affection. When we play a part in someone's conversion, it is one of the only experiences similar to the ultimate thrill of our own salvation. The Bible makes it clear that the most important and the profoundest decision of life, is what to do about Christ. There are only two choices. One, accept who He is, convert from being self-serving to being Jesus-serving, or, reject Him and choose eternal lostness and judgement. The question that all followers of Christ, (including Paul's dear friend, Epenetus) should answer, is not only “what have you decided to do about Jesus?”, but also, “have you ever shared Him with anyone else”? Though we can't lose our salvation for not sharing our testimony, we still must tell others about Christ, not just about God, or church, or love, or religion. We were saved for a purpose, to glorify God, but also to fulfill our part of the Great Commission and help His mission to convert people to Christ. It begins with a passion for the lost. I am sure Epenetus was grateful for Paul as you and I were for whom all were part of our conversion.

I remember distinctly, that decision for Christ that changed my life here and forever, and I vividly remember that first person I shared Christ with, who made that life-changing decision also. These are dear, dear memories, eternalized moments that made an eternal difference. As you go through this day, receive Him if you haven't, celebrate Him if you have, and share the joy of your conversion with someone soon.

Pastor Fred

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