Monday, December 30, 2013


".. they tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God," 1Thessalonians 1:9b

Every sin in my life, whether in thought, word or deed generally has to do with me putting something ahead of God. I choose, I let something.... my feelings, my opinion, my issues, my wants, my needs... whatever.. to become more important in the moment than who God is in that moment. Idolatry can happen as simply as my priorities getting out of whack. I trade, justify, excuse or cave in to my nature and put something above God. This phrase tells of how the Thessalonians were turning away from their idols (they may have been literal 'other gods', I don't know specifically) But, I do know mine. Those things that are so seemingly precious to me. You know the stuff. Join me in admitting them, my way, my time, my space, my control, my rights, my ego, my importance, my pity party, my popularity, my things, my, my my. The list goes on. I, like you have an inborn tendency to make me the center of everything, the universe included. It is really crowded there, in case you haven't noticed, which is most likely why we are so often conflicted with each other and bumping heads and crossing each other's boundaries. So what do we do? Do we just acquiesce to our weaknesses and not try to be better? No, look at the second part of the quotient in today's verse. We turn to God from idols when we serve the living and true God. I must admit that my idols are dead and false, not living and true. If I turn to the living and true God I can resist my weaknesses. I don't need to pout, I don't need to rage, I don't need to manipulate or connive or pretend. I just need to turn. In the words of the classic worship song..."Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." How true. But, I must turn. Nothing happens without me turning away from my inclinations, my machinations and my temptations. For me, I must make everything about serving Him. When I am serving Him, I can turn away more easily. When I keep Him in mind, I can do better, act nicer, be Christian. Because I am a Christian. I love Him more than my way and my anything. I encourage you to turn before you speak, before you act and before you do what you know He would not want you to do or say.

In His Service with you as always,
Pastor Fred

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