Thursday, August 13, 2015

“Reminders” by: Pastor Fred Snider

“Keep reminding them of these things” 2 Timothy 2:14a

I have mixed feelings about reminders. I may actually have some issues with some hypersensitivity to being reminded of certain things. Timothy is reminded by Paul to keep reminding the flock about the things that he has taught. Reminding can be done without sounding like a nagging spouse or parent. Reminding one another in marriage of our love is vital. I am reminded just now of the man whose wife asked if he still loved her. He reminded her that he said so on the day he married her and if it changed he would let her know. Whoa, just a tad insensitive I think. But, at the other extreme to need to be reminded many times per day that you are loved, is a bit much I think. So, what should our attitude be about being reminded? I am sure you know that Jesus loves you. But I love to be reminded of that. Or, to be reminded that someone is there for you is certainly reassuring. On the other hand, to be reminded each day to take out the trash before you have even had a chance to is exasperating, isn’t it? So, how are you about reminders? The positive reminders are encouraging and the ones that point to our forgetfulness are not. We need to be reminded. I too often overreact to being reminded with the equally obnoxious, “I know, I know”. Hmm, I guess it depends on who is speaking and about what, eh? My counsel is to receive reminders graciously and to be careful not to nag about them. Also, be careful not to nag people who nag, they don’t like it either.

So, remember to remind each other of God’s love and plan, lest we forget. Oh by the way, did you brush your teeth, lock the front door, call your mother, pray and read His Word today? I know I will now. Guess I need a devotional reminder.

With His Love,
Pastor Fred

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