Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Church Blessing

"Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord." Acts 9:31"

This obscure verse has been nestled in my Bible between the reports about Paul's earliest teaching and escape back to Tarsus, and the account of Aeneas and Dorcas, two totally different early believers that God touched the lives of through Peter. I have never slowed down and taken in the depth of this little blessing in verse 31 that is packed full of meaning. I don't think at all, that this verse means that when Paul is taken to Tarsus that peace, strength and encouragement comes to the church throughout the region. I do think that this is a verse that connects two separate accounts in the Bible by describing what happened at that time, because of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Let's glean some truth from these words. First point.... peace is enjoyable. I think when there is peace, that joy is much easier to experience. I think it is far more likely that joy will come from peace, than that peace will come from joy. Next point is that strengthening and encouraging come by way of the Holy Spirit. I hope you have experienced that blessing. If not, then maybe it is time to talk to God some more about the function of the Holy Spirit in your life. Many Christians do not have a functional relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is the remote third person of the Trinity, that is regrettably a mystery to most. We need to learn so much more about the person and purpose of the Holy Spirit.Notice what happens when there is joy coming from peace and strength, and encouragement coming from the Holy Spirit. Then, there is numerical growth. You know why? When there is peace and joy in a church, and strength and encouragement by way of the Spirit, everybody wants to be there. It is extremely attracting when these elements are working together. At Grace Harbor, we have been in a season of this kind for awhile, and it is a wonderful blessing.

Lastly, the verse ends with the note, that with all the good things going on in the early church, there was a healthy and awesome fear of the Lord. When this humble acquiescence is part of the church, God can move mightily and effectively. When there is a reverence and submission to the Lord, working in conjunction with that joy that comes from peace and the Holy Spirit giving strength and encouragement that is the climate for blessings. I believe we may be coming to such a time in Grace Harbor. We have been seeking Him and surrendering to His leading and we very well could be entering into a continuing time of growth, in depth and in numbers.

Hoping so,
Pastor Fred

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