Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Get Up

"Aeneas", Peter said to him, "Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat." Immediately Aeneas got up." Acts 9:34

The Scripture is so rich with illustration. Especially in these passages from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, where the message is not always so direct. Let me begin by saying that what you need and is God's will for you has most likely already been provided. Our faith is not magic, you know. It is believing in a mighty God who sees us, hears us and responds to us. Aeneas was a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years. I can't second guess why Peter was used of God to heal him other than that it was God's desire and plan to do so. But, I believe that much if not most of what God wants and has for us is only waiting on us to act and not for something else to happen. If Peter says 'get up' and Aeneas does not get up, I don't think he would be healed. How would it do him any good if he was healed and just continued to lay there? Aeneas got up alright, he did it immediately. I sometimes wonder how many things God has done for us and we just haven't acted on them yet. Interesting thought huh? What all does God have for you in terms of healing, transformation, blessing and purpose and the only reason nothing has happened is because in your own mind you are stuck. Aeneas would never have known that he was healed unless he got up and took care of his mat. How many things in my life are really now in my hands or feet or legs or voice and all I have to do is take action? If you are not getting what you are praying for, or hoping for, maybe it is time to ask God what you should do next? Wait a minute, isn't God just supposed to take care of everything? So if I say to God, God help me find a job and I don't look for one, how does that work? Or, if I want to find a right relationship and don't become more of the wonderful person that special person is looking for, what should I expect? How about if I want a better communication relationship with someone and I refuse to talk to them? So, I pray God help me and should also pray, show me what to do. AND...... then do it. I cannot tell you how many people come for counsel and then don't take it. I am actually shocked how many people plan to get counsel and then don't show up for the meeting to get it. What do we expect? We are so disappointed in our circumstances, yet don't do what we should to change them. I think blaming God for no answer is easier than taking action. So let me leave you with three little pieces of counsel. Up to you what you do with them. I am not responsible for what you decide not to do.

1. Get up off your lazy stuckedness and do something.

2. Do something immediately.

3. Stop wondering why nothing is happening.

No wonder we are paralyzed, stuck and unable to change. How can we expect anything to be different when we keep doing the same thing? I know this is tough talk, but listen. Answer this question since we all know what we want God to do. What does God want you to do? Start doing that and see what happens. I speak from experience. But, I had to do something in order to have experience to speak from. Get it? Good. Now, go and face your day.

In Him, Pastor Fred

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