Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Beginning with a Passage of Scripture

"Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus." Acts 8:35

The passage of Scripture being referred to is Isaiah 53:7-8. One of many specifically prophetic passages that illustrate who the coming Messiah would be. Philip was following the directive of an angel of the Lord who had instructed him to head south on the road, and he met an Ethiopian eunuch in a chariot (interesting rabbit to chase, but I won't here). Anyway, this guy has been reading the book of Isaiah and comes to this passage and is baffled about who Isaiah talking about? So Philip is there at the right time, doing the right thing, and explains to him that it is Jesus, and who Jesus is, and one thing led to another and Philip baptized this Ethiopian as soon as they came to some water.

That is the short version of the story, but the underlying message that I got from this passage is that any verse in the Bible is a place to begin to tell the story of Jesus. You may say, “How is that possibly so”, when so many passages are difficult to understand. Well, God has a way of revealing to us by His Spirit when we are witnessing, just what needs to be said no matter what verse might be asked about. For example, say someone asks you about some remote verse of Scripture that you know nothing about. Just allow the Spirit to direct your heart and words, even if they are to admit you don't know what it means, but you know the Lord will show a way to find the answer.

No matter what someone asks you about the Bible, just admit you are clueless, if you are, and offer to find out the answer for them. There are so many resources online now; you are just three clicks away from a right answer. Besides you know a few people who might know or could find out for you. Right? Right! We find the stuff in the Bible we don't understand or are baffled by ourselves, to be overwhelming. You don't have to know the whole truth and what it means to know the Truth. He, Jesus is the Truth. It makes no difference what anybody says or asks, the Spirit can help you turn that conversation into a witness or encouragement at any time.

Philip was no Bible scholar, but he was following the lead of the Spirit and just continued to do the right thing. After all he is in the right place at the right time, so the right thing just is the right next thing to do. Right? Right! Don't worry about appearing ignorant or clueless, just be real and honest. If people have questions that you don't know the answer to, just offer to find out an answer for them. Ok, for example.... you can call me. This is important stuff and I am available to try to answer or to find out the answer for you.

Philip just began where that guy was and moved forward toward the Truth. You can do that too. You don't know unless you try. So try! Remember the end of the verses where it says that he told him the good news about Jesus. You know what that is right? Right!

I hope to hear that someone actually uses this encouragement, soon. Will it be you? Listen to where God is leading you and for someone to ask you a question. Maybe it will happen to me? It has before and I know it will again.

Join me in being available for the Spirit to lead as we share the Good News.

In His Service with you,
Pastor Fred

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