Friday, May 17, 2013


"Meanwhile Saul was till breathing out murderous threats about the Lord’s disciples." Acts 9:1

The Christian life is full of vivid illustrations of the contrast between good and evil. While Phillip is being supernaturally transported and the disciples are witnessing, ministering, and doing miraculous signs, simultaneously, Saul, whom we later know as Paul is up to no good. He is persecuting believers as fully as possible. He is incensed with the up start religion that wants to change things and he has become the champion of bringing Christians under scrutiny and sending letters to Synagogues to expel any who dare to promote Jesus as the Messiah. He is threatening death and anything imaginable to instill fear into those who are threatening Judaism. He is on a mission of a different kind. He is driven and motivated, zealous and vengeful. Can you imagine his feelings about his past after he pens Romans 8:1, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”? This is a long way from “murderous threats” huh? What an amazing change of heart that is about to happen. He has no idea God is coming after him. He is arrogant, self-righteous, indignant, and full of hate. He is the perfect example of what Jesus is describing on the cross when He says, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” Saul (Paul) in his own mind is totally justified and full of himself. Do you know the feeling? To be so wrong, when you were so sure you were so right. What an epiphany. What a huge wake up call, shocking to him, to his fellow Pharisees, to believers, and to everyone.

So who is beyond the touch of God? Who can’t he knock off their high horse? Who is right when they are wrong? That’s right! No one! Never give up on anybody. I wonder who was praying for Saul, that his heart would soften, or that he would be dealt a life changing blow. I must change a couple of prayers for people from curses to blessings, from failure to deliverance, from justice to mercy. How about you? What do you need to believe God has power over?

Forgive me Lord, for limiting the power of your grace.

Thank you Lord,
Pastor Fred

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