Thursday, May 16, 2013

Seeing the Light

"As he neared Damascus on his journey suddenly a light from Heaven flashed around him." Acts 9:3

Saul was indeed a man on a mission. He had letters to help him persecute believers and he needed to get to where he was going because he had business to do. Can you imagine his reaction as he nears Damascus, thinking about his letters, who they were for, how he would expose the followers of the Way and shut down this new religion? How powerful as he rode proud on his horse with a plan in his heart to do what he must do. Then, out of no where, suddenly, with out warning…BOOM. A light from heaven flashed around him. Was it a flash of lighting from a clear sky? Was it a falling star? Saul (Paul) did not know what it was, but it came from above and it knocked him off his horse, to the ground. Suddenly he saw a light. You could say “he saw the light.” He knew something was happening, something he had not experienced before. It happened suddenly, and came from Heaven. What did it mean? Why was it happening? Why now?

I hope in your life you have had more than one “see the light” experience. A time when something from Heaven came, and changed your life, or a time when just as you thought you had all the answers or no answers, then the truth came from above. A flash, a wake-up call, or an epiphany.

Be ready when it comes again.
Pastor Fred

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