Thursday, May 2, 2013


"On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria." Acts 8:1

That day was the day Stephen was martyred, murdered, stoned to death. The separation between Judaism and emerging Christianity was finalized. For fear of their lives, the early church in Jerusalem was reduced to only the apostles. Everyone else was scattered. God sometimes uses bad situations, even tragedies to accomplish His will. As the Bible says…"what the enemy meant for evil, God used for good."

The church would grow from being scattered and persecuted. The early Christians were spread out due to circumstance beyond their control and God used it to spread the gospel. This still happens today. Martyrdom leads to evangelism. Persecution leads to growth. It seems the church needs tension, conflict, and even persecution to keep it from stagnating or just plodding along. This particular persecution increased and lasted for years, with many Christians put to death. Yet, the gospel spread. The Good-News flourished. Some of the most troublesome and hurtful things can unify us and launch us to new heights.

In my 45 years of ministry, I have seen some churches split and seen them attacked from within, and from the outside. I have seen the enemy attack Pastors, leaders, and families of Pastors and leaders. I have seen churches turn on each other. But, I have also seen the hand of God heal, reconcile, and unify communities and believers through prayer, forgiveness, and understanding.

Grace in action is powerful. Seeing God protect the church is awesome. Knowing God can move in a mighty way when all seems to be lost, increases my faith. Through the ugliness and awkwardness, the attacks of the devil and the human weaknesses, God always did beautiful things. God loves believers and He loves His church. Whenever we are persecuted, however it happens, watch for His power and grace to win out.

Keep the faith church, and people of God. He can be victorious in everything, even persecution.

In His service,
Pastor Fred

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