Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Acts 9:4

After Saul (Paul) saw the light from heaven, he fell to the ground. Sometimes in life, it is not enough to see the light or have an epiphany. Sometimes, we need to eat the dirt. Falling down physically is humbling. It usually is a shot to the pride. Some of our falls are moral failures, some pride adjustments, and some just clumsiness. I have experienced all three to some degree. Never easy, often can be tremendous learning opportunities.

The position God put Saul in is an important lesson, because it is easier to hear on your face. Just that position alone can be necessary for me to get my undivided attention. I have actually gotten face down if needed, just to focus. Even when I don’t think I need it, I have ended up there a number of times. Maybe, you should try it. It seems the more often I get face down on my own, the less often I need to be shown face down. However you get down there, be sure to listen at the time, because God is likely to reveal something. God always speaks the truth when we can hear best. Listen to what the Lord says, "Saul, Saul – (how effective to speak his name twice) why do you persecute me?"

You know the quick answer, right? What if He asked you why you resist Him, or avoid Him, or sin against Him?

Blinded by pride, we could easily say…"Lord, I didn’t know!" How hard is it when you are so proud to claim ignorance as an explanation? Saul has another response that is worthy of its own devotional. But for us, face down and on the spot answering for why we do what we do, what do we say? How about, "I don’t know" or "I’m only human", or "Somebody else or the devil made me do it."
Frankly, my answers lately are simple and one-word responses such as: pride, rebellion, or laziness. I try to stay away from, "I didn’t mean it", or "it was an accident."

I usually get to requesting His mercy, and grace, and forgiveness within moments. I few time I have pridefully fought confession with excuses or blame letting. Those are pretty painful times when I choose to learn the hard way. Just the thought of having to answer the Lord is convicting me, right now.

So grateful for His grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Lord, help me, help us, to humbly seek you, find You, serve You, and respond quickly and truthfully to You.

In His grip,

Pastor Fred

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