Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Psalm 102

Psalm 102:18 "Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord."

What forward-thinking, compassionate and visionary words for this Psalmist to write in the midst of his lamenting about the plight of his own life. Can you be a blessing in the midst of your trouble? Or, when you have hard times do you get totally self-consumed with your issues to the extent that you can only think about yourself? Troubles will come and go, but we should always be able to dig down deep and at least pass on the basic promise of God to future generations.

The writer of Psalm 102 is in distress and pours out his heart before the Lord. He feels like he is abandoned, alone and ready to die, yet he still recognizes that God is on the throne and that he can press on with faith and hope for a better day. He trusts God beyond his own perception of His current dilemma. He, like we, should believe that God is eternal and that He cares for us when we are in turmoil. This time will pass and a future time will come.

'All' is never lost. For God remains on His throne and He hears our cries. This is a tremendous comfort for me in hard times when it seems like one thing after another comes and we begin to worry if we can take much more. He will always give us enough strength to deal with whatever circumstances we face. God has always been who He is. He is a constant source of help and hope for us and all generations to come.

You see, nations and kings and powers and history will pass, but His promises are sure.

He indeed will never leave or forsake us. The writer finishes with this statement...... "The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you."

I am sometimes amused by comments that people make about what might be happening 25 or 30 or 40 or more years from now. I sometimes say that I'm not much worried about it, because I know, by then I will be with Him. But in my deepest heart I always try to say that I hope that however many years from now that people will be seeking the Lord, putting Him first and passing the basic promises of God to yet future generations. The bigger picture of God's grand plan is always more important than the everyday single dimension snapshots of our lives. Pass that on.

Onward and upward, Pastor Fred

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