Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Psalm 112

Psalm 112:8 "His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes."

This Psalm is also a Hebrew alphabet acrostic of praises, focusing on the blessings that come to those who fear the Lord and find delight in His commands. Being a Christian really is a blessing. The peace of the redemptive perspective and the righteous lifestyle truly brings much joy. These blessings are passed on to upright children and even when times seem dark dark he can see the light. He promotes goodness and generosity and it returns to him. The blessed follower of the Lord will not be shaken because he trusts in Him who blesses.

Verse 8 is special to me for it speaks of where I am at right now. Indeed my heart is secure and I am not fearful. I fully trust that it all is in the Lord's hands and I am steadfast in Him. I am learning to roll with all kinds of developments without letting them affect my sense of security. Without being naive or foolish, I can look many adversities in the eye, simultaneously and still keep my trust in Him. I must and I do so because of the second part of the verse that is even more encouraging than the first......... "in the end he will look in triumph on his foes." In the end I know everything turns out fine. I know God is in charge and that He is going to work it all out. My foes aren't people; they are my thoughts, my worries and my distractions. My troubles will someday be over so I am secure and I am blessed. My issues, needs and problems are no more difficult or easier than yours, just different.

Within a month of time I usually deal with an assortment of developments, surprises and adversities that sound like most of your prayer lists. Let me give you the "for example" part, so you know I understand. In my life right now.......

...the better car is making a funny sound that isn't a laughing matter.
...we are over the legal occupancy rule in our apartment and must come up with a solution now
...we got a surprise bill in the mail and this is not good timing
...need to get the eyes and ears and teeth and other stuff checked out sometime soon
...parents and grandma are aging rapidly and concerns are increasing
...there are regular reports of people who say the cruelest and most insensitive things about Grace Harbor
...we need some time away together and the windows of possibility are closing in
...children and grandchildren need more and more help and guidance
...the church is in need of financial undergirding as we face shortfalls or we may face more pay cuts
...the school must have new enrollees to avert staff reductions and budget cuts

All of this and more does not mean I am fearful or not blessed or secure or hopeful or encouraged. This just means we trust Him all the more. He sees us through. Whether it is the job or the church or the family or the friends or the world or the whatever it is.... doesn't change the truth. Truth is.... it is all in God's hands, I trust Him completely and am seeking His guidance in everything. Don't be discouraged, He has overcome the world. Keep your eyes on Him. He knows and He cares and has a plan. So we press on. Someday we will look in triumph on our foes in final victory.

Hallelujah!! Pastor Fred

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