Friday, July 23, 2010

Walk by Faith

Our Friday devotion comes to us from Council Member, Hank Botts:

Luke 17:14 So when He saw them, He said to them, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.

Good morning! The following is an excerpt from a book about faith, written by Manley Beasley, that was passed along to me recently. I enjoyed reading it, and was moved by the message of obedient expectation, a lesson God has been showing me in my own life lately. I hope you will enjoy reading it as well...

"When the ten lepers came to Jesus and asked for healing, He gave them what might seem to be a strange answer. In Luke 17:14, He told them to go and show themselves to the priests. This was part of the Jewish law for lepers who had been healed, a part of the temple ritual they had to submit to before being permitted to return to normal life. When Jesus spoke those words, however, they had not yet been healed. They obviously believed that Jesus could perform miracles (intellectual faith) or they would not have asked for healing. They certainly wanted to be healed (emotional faith), but the Bible says that they were healed "as they went". They were healed when they acted as though they had been healed (volitional faith). They were healed as they were walking toward the Temple to present themselves to the priests. The lesson here is that only when their will moved them to obedient and believing action, God granted their request."
(end of excerpt)

Now, please don't confuse this with "name it and claim it" theology. I'm not saying that, whatever you want, no matter what it is, you just have to start acting like it's yours, and God will grant it. What I am saying is that, like the lepers, when you make a request to God, and you hear from Him, then when you act in faith, obedient to what God has instructed you to do, He will do exactly as He has promised. Are you expecting something from God? Walk by faith, obedient to His calling, and watch what He will do with your active expression of faithful belief in Him!

Have a blessed weekend in Jesus!


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