Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trash Talking

James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

We live in a culture that is extremely tolerant of what I call, “put down” humor. Everywhere you turn, we seem to be teasing, mocking, bashing, and trashing everybody, and everything. I sometimes think the constant “tongue-in-cheek gotchas” result from two motivations. One is escapism - any way to avoid the realities of our own troubles in the world in which we live. The other is a streak of meanness that all of us are capable of utilizing when we for some reason just need to lash out or vent our tendency to sin. My mom always said this, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” If we followed Mom’s advice today, the silence would be deafening wouldn’t it? So, what can we do?

Well, my Christian friends, we are going to have to raise the standard. This may not be easy. Sometimes the only defense we feel as older believers is to use our more experienced offense. Experience is a good teacher, so don’t be afraid to use it, but don’t abuse it either. Younger believers, what can you do? Try cutting back on the never ending impersonations of everything you hear in the media. (Since when did obnoxious or inappropriate become cute?) Aren’t you bored and offended with the non-stop low-brow fabricated laugh tracks that television sitcoms have become? Radio isn’t much better. Sports are all about “trash-talk” on and off the field. It seems everybody wants to be a nasty comedian, a mean clown, and real life is not really that much of a joke. Certainly hell is no laughing matter, nor evil. Life is serious business, and we can find joy in that – believe it or not!

Maybe that little mean streak tempts us more than we’d like to admit. Maybe the world is just very strange, and we are trying to respond to the weirdness of it all. Somewhere, however, a compromise needs to be sought. How about this – everyone who is too loose, tighten up, O.K.? Everyone who is too tight, lighten up, O.K.?...With that said, let’s all allow the Word of God to be our guide. The Bible is filled with excellent illustrations about serious business and the dangers of what our tongues can do. With a little effort, and prayer, all of us can be a lot less mean-spirited and a lot more kind-hearted.

Maybe the current trend is an example of just how much we need to take a hard look at ourselves. Once we do, between the laughing and the crying, think about what you say, especially before you say it. Try promoting random acts of verbal kindness, and planned ones too! A dose of serious medicine wouldn’t kill any of us right now, and if you are an old sourpuss you’ve probably had enough of your own medicine already. Remember this formula: It takes about ten kind comments to offset a putdown. Many of us are way out of balance. Keep score on yourself. I know I’m going to. Try saying ten kind things before you say a mean one. If you can’t yet do that.., let me start again... We live in a culture... just stop making excuses for being mean and unkind and watch your mouth. Lord make my words sweet for tomorrow, I may have to eat them.

Join me in saying something nice or...
Pastor Fred

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