Monday, February 7, 2011

Woe to the World

Matthew 18:7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!

We live in a broken, sinful world. I'm not talking about nature or the creation that God made, I'm talking about all the things that man has made and done. Granted some of them are beautiful, wonderful and reflect God's glory, but others are just part of what the enemy uses to tempt us and distract us. Jesus understands us and the world that we live in and here in Matthew 18:7 He speaks again of the world and it's systems and evils in defense of us. The Lord knows it is difficult to be in this world and to not be part of it. We so easily get sucked into every new thing and what is current and popularized. Our lives are full of unimportant things and all kinds of temptations that consume us daily.

We could honestly sing a duet with the Lord that would say "You and me against the world, sometimes it feels like you and me against the world". Overwhelming at times, even a little depressing. Yet we are to live in this world without being too much a part of it. We should be just passing through and not make the things of this world the focus of our time, resources and energy. As we read the rest of this verse we see that Jesus then turns His attention to something even worse than the effects of living in a fallen world. Those who promote sin.

Woe not only to the world but personal woe to whoever tempts God's children away from Him, His ways and His purposes. Let me for the sake of illustration be more specific. Drug dealers and "friends" who share drugs. Those who tempt others to drink more than they should. Those who support criminal behavior or tolerate it without speaking against it. Those who take others with them when they cut school. Those who violate curfews with minors. Those who spread, distribute or tempt others with pornography. Those who lie, cheat, steal and put other people in jeopardy by doing that. Those who seduce others into fornication and adultery. Those who spread gossip and then involve people in their cruelty... etc, etc. The world is a hard place to live for God and someday this world will be destroyed, but woe to those who make it even harder to be a Christian or tempt believers especially into wrong choices and bad behavior. Jesus speaks against those specifically by saying woe to those who are used by the enemy for ungodly purposes.

Might I add, shame on you if you are a Sunday Christian and living like hell the rest of the week, and sharing your weakness and sin with those around you. None of us are perfect and life is tough as a believer and as a person who is trying to walk with the Lord. Can you imagine how hard that is when another Christian puts stumbling blocks and temptations in your way. If you are a curse instead of a blessing, shame on you. We should be a blessing to our fellow Christians and not a curse. We should be a blessing to unbelievers too, but especially brothers and sisters. Can you imagine coming to church and having your hopes up to meet some folks who are trying to do right, only to find out that there are many who are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

We all fall short and we all have room for improvement in this area, but if you are part of this problem, please stop. Please turn to the Lord and get help and turn your life around for Him. Don't justify sin, don't pretend to be something you are not. Know that you are loved and that His grace is sufficient for you. Repent! I pray that there will be a move of the Holy Spirit in our midst that will encourage us all to spiritual maturity and non-hypocritical living. Pass this on please and let's all make a unified, concerted effort to keep promoting holiness and resisting unholiness.

Reflectively His, Pastor Fred

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