Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Mystery of Godliness

"Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory." 1Timothy 3:16

This passage of Scripture has always fascinated me. Usually when I run into a verse or chapter that mystifies me a bit, I first try to put it into the context of the verses before and after it. Sometimes that helps to understand what is being communicated. That doesn't help much here because it is kind of a 'stand alone' concept and contextualizing isn't very revealing. Obviously, we can tell readily, that Paul is talking about Jesus. He was the one who took on human form and invaded reality, subsequently changing everything. He has a completely different relationship with the Spirit and angels. He alone has been preached to the nations and He alone is glorified. So, what does it mean to us?

Living the Christian life and being a Follower of the Way is not easy. As we conduct ourselves spiritually, we should never presume to be attaining anything that is in any way, shape or form comparable to Him. Let's put the verse in some more familiar language. Unquestionably, the first concept must mean that we accept who He is by faith alone. Godliness is something that we are told to mature into but we will never be able to grasp it completely. Jesus, on the other hand, embodied godliness, literally. He was both God and man simultaneously. He transcended space, time, and all physical laws. He operated in the spiritual realm and the earthly realm as Lord of both.

We can only scratch the surface of godliness as we model ourselves after Him. We don't talk much about being godly because it sounds rather arrogant. Yet, we are called to pursue godliness and holiness, without ever presuming we are godly or holy. It is essential in the growing spiritual life to consider these things. Christ is our model for life and living. Being Christlike is a good thing. Seriously now, when I said that didn't we all think "yeah, but who even comes close?" Exactly the point! At the same time as we try to be like Him, we should discover the depths of the mystery of being unable to be like Him. This, in turn should compel us to strive harder. A mystery indeed.

I hope you are spiritually stretching. I mean that you are reaching for more, deeper, richer, and fuller. This is key to surviving in this world. The quest to be like Him and to understand His mystery and power and meaning is what can protect you from being swept up by the tide of worldliness. The undertow of this world we live in is strong and deceptive. Our focus must remain on Him. We are in a spiritual battle in the spiritual realm. Though our struggles manifest themselves in our everyday experiences, we are actually at war with the forces of evil that are trying to undo everything that God is doing. This is why godliness is such a mystery.

Cling to Jesus. I know I am. I absolutely must make Him my quest. He has to become everything to me. Not the church or any person, or even the Bible. We have to desire Him more than anything. Read the verse again. This is exclusively about Him and I will only understand it when I pursue Him with my whole heart. Maybe this is the meaning of it. The only answer to a mystery is the Truth, and that would be Him. Think about what mysteries you are most fascinated about. Is it Him or this world? Kind of convicting huh? Oh Jesus, that you being first in my life would really mean first. After all, You deserve that.

In Him more,
Pastor Fred

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