Monday, May 23, 2011

An Urgent Request

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone---- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth." 1Timothy 2:1-4

I have been praying for our President, Barak Obama, especially since the National Day of Prayer. Why? Because it is a good and right thing to do, and pleases God our Savior. It also promotes peace and quiet in my mind and helps keep me focused on godliness and holiness. During the event held at the Salvation Army Church and Headquarters, a small group of men and women seated near me got circled up at one juncture and a woman who was an officer of the Salvation Army gave a beautiful prayer for our leaders. From the Tustin City Council to the President of the United States, she very clearly, respectfully and passionately presented each one to the Lord for their blessing, His guidance and their protection and inspiration. This really touched my heart. It wasn't about politics; it was about doing what the Word of God asks us to do. Nothing more or less.

When I read these verses, I was at once reminded of her prayer and know now that she was following the Biblical prescription for what to pray. That is why it was appropriate, touching and meaningful. She prayed requesting, interceding and thanking God for all the levels of leaders in our country. Her words used the words in this verse and articulated a compelling reasoning for praying so regularly. When is the last time you prayed for the Senate? I have complained about the Legislature far more than I have prayed for them. Not only will lifting up everyone in authority please the Lord, it will take away some of our need to berate and bemoan. Our opinions can be expressed at the ballot box, but we should always be respectful and encouraging. Even if we pray for spiritual conviction or renewal or wisdom, it should always be done with dignity and honor.

No matter which party, what political persuasion or any particular issue being discussed, if we pray, we will tend to be more appropriate with our commentary. This principle is true in every facet of our lives. When my children are disappointing or manipulative, I should lift them up to the Lord first, before doing anything else.... it pleases God. When church people are out of order or overbearing I should pray for them before I going any farther with my viewpoint. In doing so, I always decide to say less. Aha!! Maybe here is a point of learning for all of us. Do you agree that when we pray about anything, we then have less to say? Would you agree that when we intercede for someone that we see them differently? Is it possible that no matter how much someone’s words, attitudes, style, behavior or goals may be offensive to me, when I pray for them it puts my feelings in context? I think we should pray more and talk less.

There is going to be a lot of talk in the next months and year ahead about all kinds of things. Some of the conversation will get pretty disrespectful and before you know it the smearing will begin again. As Christians I am going to recommend early that we start praying for clarity and understanding, for peacefulness and quietness, for civility and decorum. Let us all be very careful not to say anything that the Spirit would not promote. This means to pray for all those in authority first, then, also pray about what we would say also, before we say it!! My hope is that the witness of such an effort would draw people to Christ and not divide people. I am going to try to take the highest road in this endeavor and model the principles of the Word. I will continue to pray for my President as I have for years and also for all elected officials. I will also pray for whatever His will may be for our great country. My prayer now is that the approaching election season will be one about truth and that as I pursue Him I will be conscientious about what I say so I do not detract from what the Lord is at work doing. May the Spirit guide us all to pray fervently and be appropriate so that Jesus will shine through.

In Him,
Pastor Fred


  1. Pastor Fred - amen to this! I am biting my tongue, as prescribed, and will attempt to follow your great leadership on this difficult issue. While I'm at it, thanks for the sermon yesterday, as you shared your heart and your wisdom relating to our best response to the truth that we didn't all perish on Saturday, and how this false prophet had effected the people who were depending on it as an act of their faith. You have a pure heart, and amazing spiritual discernment.

  2. Oh, that we would all pray before speaking. In just the last six to eight months, God has started showing me how desperate my own need in this area is. Not only do I frequently need a muzzle for my mouth, but I also often need a reminder to stop, drop, and pray. I’ve found that when I exchange prayer-less words for prayerful silence, I’m in greater peace. The adoption of this quietness into my life has been a welcome change by most people who know me, my husband especially. On a day when I’ve been moody to say the least, I now wonder how frequently people are feeling the need to pray before speaking to ME? So often, I ask God to muzzle my mouth so I don’t say anything that causes the devil to smile and God to frown, because as you know – other people can be really annoying and also supremely good at extracting negative words from out of our mouths! (As if they have any control over what comes from our mouths!) Thank goodness it’s just them and never me, right? I mean, praise the Lord that I’M never that annoying person, right? “God, you’re going to have to go before everything I say so that I don’t say something offensive to this obnoxious person,” might be something I’ve prayed in the past. Well, I now wonder how often someone else has prayed that very same thing before speaking (or not speaking) to me! Could it be that others are muzzling their own mouths in MY presence? Wow. I truly hadn’t thought of this prior to reading your devotional today. (Umm…thank You, God? Wonder what He’s trying to tell me… ) It definitely makes me want to be more conscientious about how I talk, not just to others, but also in general. Thank you, Pastor Fred, for the reminder to pray before I speak. This is definitely an “in progress” area of my life both today and tomorrow.
