Monday, February 18, 2013

Dried up and Cracked

"Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your decrees." Psalm 119:83

With just a little bit of research, or just some decent deductive thinking we can figure out what smoke would do to a wineskin. Wineskins can get old with time and neglect alone, much less with the harsh elements of life taking their toll on them. Our spiritual lives are like wineskins and in order for us to stay fresh spiritually the wine must be used and replaced regularly and the wineskin needs to be protected from the elements and oiled up from time to time. If exposed to too much smoke it will indeed dry out and crack, especially if not oiled regularly and with old wine going stale in it. This is rich for illustration. Think about all the implications this has in your life.

We must take care of our spiritual self, much as we do our physical self. Without food, air, water, rest and activity we can starve, suffocate, get dehydrated, burned out and shut down. In the same way we spiritually must get enough food (Word of God), air, (Prayer), water (Streams of Refreshing), rest, (Reflection) and activity, (Fellowship) in order to thrive, or even survive. This is not rocket science or brain surgery here, just wise thinking.

Trouble comes, ever since Adam, smoke and even fire come through our lives and we get dry and cracked or worse and our spiritual lives are at risk. Such is life. Note what the verse says at the end though. The Psalmist says that no matter what happens... 'I will not forget your decrees'. What we experience, no matter how drastic or frightening, it does not change the truth of God's Word. The writer here infers that he has become like a wineskin that is dry and cracked from being exposed to too much smoke, he still does not forget the truth. That helps him keep writing and living.

We can learn from his experience. Uh, where there is smoke there is fire, so keep your distance. Take care of your spiritual self. In every circumstance remember the Word is always the source of truth and guidance. Are you feeling a little dry and cracked today? Take the necessary steps for restoration. Get into the Word, Pray, Get Refreshed, Reflect and Fellowship. Before you know it you'll be oiled up and ready for the 'new wine' of what God would love to do in your life. After all, like it says in the New Testament, can't put new wine in old wineskins. Let God renew your wineskin today. Be a vessel for His uses and purposes and watch what amazing things can happen in your life.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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