Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Good Affliction

"It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees." Psalm 119:71

You probably can guess where I might be headed with this verse from the next section of Psalm 119. I am enjoying immensely slowing down the reading and studying of the longest chapter in the Bible, because it is showing me just how important it is to relate everything that happens in life, to His Word. In every section the writer refers to the Word of God by its many different names. In this particular eight verses the terms; Your Word (2 times), commands, decrees (2 times), precepts, law (2 times) are all used to describe the Bible. This style of writing keeps our attention and doesn't allow us to just gloss over the passage. Very effective when you slow down a little.

At first reading, verse 71 jumped off the page at me. This is a truth that we all know, but is still very hard to accept. Some of my greatest understandings of life, some of my true breakthroughs and epiphanies have come during times of affliction. Not just physical affliction, but emotional affliction, and spiritual affliction, too. What comes to mind right now is a season of my life from my early 20's when I was eventually bedridden with a case of mononucleosis. At first, I thought I was just worn out, then I thought I had the flu, then I started to worry that something really serious was wrong with me. I remember the doctor asking me......"when did this start?" I informed him that I had felt poorly for several weeks and he let me know that I was going to feel poorly for several more weeks if I didn't curtail all activity and go to bed. I knew I was headed for trouble, and I took counsel immediately.

So, I went home to Mom's, where I could get some decent food and a little TLC. About three weeks later, I pulled around and got well. In those three down weeks, I had some of the most refreshing personal times with the Lord of my whole life. I rested, I studied, I prayed, I wrote, I followed the doctor's instructions. God used that time in my life to refocus me and to prepare me for the next ministry change in my life. Early on, I would have never said that affliction was good for me. Once I accepted the prescription of bed rest, the affliction was actually, very good for me. I learned much more easily, because God had my undivided attention. No distractions and no excuses. Sometimes in life we need to get slowed down, and affliction is one way of that happening, so we can listen and learn.

Most people seem to have issues at the extremes. Either folks can't slow down or they can't get it in gear. We seem to gravitate into one of two categories; those who are in overdrive and those who are in park. For me, I need to park it every once in a while so I don't burn out my overdrive. :) For others, they need to get it into gear so they don't completely stall out and start growing weeds under it. How about you? Are you afflicted? What is God trying to teach you through that? Are you in hyper overdrive and need to pull over at the spiritual Rest Area before you crash and burn? Or, are you in permanent park, and need a swift kick in the behind (ok, ok... or a hug) to get you going? Whichever is your case, God can teach us at afflicted times. Some of us desperately need some good affliction.

Someone recently told me that they were having a great deal of success in their life by way more often doing exactly opposite of what they would normally do. Hmm ... interesting point. Maybe your overdrive or your permanent park is your affliction. Hmm. My counsel today is to talk to God about it. Ask Him what is going on for you. Who knows, maybe you will find out you are in reverse and really are headed for trouble. God will put you in the gear you need if you ask Him for His help. Hope this helps.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Loved this, Pastor Fred. Thanks. Lately, I've been sensing the Lord telling me to be still, tread slowly, and move purposefully (literally..I've gotten each one of those words from Him). My default reaction to almost everything in life (until these last few months anyway) is to go, go go and make things happen (usually just prior to crashing and burning because it was me, not God, making them happen), but in the last few months, our sweet Lord has been teaching me to stop, breathe, move slowly and purposefully, and let things just be until He is ready to move. Quit difficult lessons for a perpetual mover and shaker, but I'm finding a new dimension of peace and confident and renewed trust in Him through it all. I'm actually enjoying just following Him without having to know all the answers. This newly found peace and trust, however, has not come without great emotional and spiritual affliction, and come to think of it, even physical affliction too. My thoughts on it all though? Like the Psalmist - it has been good for me because I am better learning His precious decrees. Thanks for this devotional and for your heart!
